Optimal Systems and Insiders at DSAG Partner Day

Efficient receipt and dispatch of e‑invoices, automated invoice pro­ces­sing and con­nec­tion to SAP. Insiders and Optimal Systems make joint customers e‑invoice ready.
Insiders Tech­no­lo­gies, a leading tech­no­logy provider of Intel­li­gent Auto­ma­tion (IA) software, will be pre­sen­ting its inno­va­tive e‑invoicing product modules at this year’s E‑Invoicing Partner Day of the German-speaking SAP User Group (DSAG) together with its long-standing partner Optimal Systems.

The obli­ga­tion to gradually receive elec­tronic invoices (e‑invoices) from January 1, 2025 and to send them at a later date is asso­ciated with uncer­tain­ties and questions for many of the affected companies of all sizes and indus­tries: “Which portals should be connected and how?”, “How do I manage to meet the time requi­re­ments?” or “How and in which process will I process elec­tronic invoices most effec­tively in the future?” are just a few examples.

The intel­li­gent 360° Invoice Manage­ment from Insiders Tech­no­lo­gies combines the classic pro­ces­sing of paper and PDF documents with the new formats in inter­na­tional e‑invoicing into an inte­grated solution and already enables the efficient receipt and dispatch of e‑invoices in accordance with the latest EU standards as well as automated invoice pro­ces­sing.

With the Insiders Invoice solution e‑invoice pro, all common national and inter­na­tional e‑invoice formats (such as XRechnung, ZUGFeRD, KSeF XML, FatturaPA) as well as so-called “other invoices” (e.g. PDF) can be processed in a single, AI-supported workflow. The com­pre­hen­sive range of e‑invoice pro also offers essential functions of modern invoice manage­ment such as intel­li­gent data enrich­ment and data vali­da­tion.

With e‑connect, Insiders enables a seamless con­nec­tion to various national and inter­na­tional portals such as ZRE or Chorus Pro and, as an official access point, to Open­Peppol, as well as a con­ve­nient mail import – always in com­pli­ance with all legal requi­re­ments. With e‑convert, all invoice data is converted into the required format for the respec­tive ERP system and prepared for archiving. In addition, the invoices are converted from any format into an elec­tronic format and are thus ready for e‑invoicing. Addi­tional AI modules enable automated account assign­ment as well as fraud and anomaly detection.

Optimal Systems, a long-standing partner of Insiders Tech­no­lo­gies, has created a suitable service offer for its customers, in which the current IT solution is checked with regard to the pro­ces­sing pos­si­bi­li­ties of e‑invoices and an indi­vi­dual catalog of measures is created. The enaio ECM solution combines the advan­tages of 360-degree invoice manage­ment from Insiders Tech­no­lo­gies with a seamless con­nec­tion to SAP.

At the DSAG Partner Day on Tuesday, October 1, 2024, both companies will present their joint solution offering for e‑invoicing with SAP con­nec­tion, explain how they are already working with it in practice for their customers and will be available to answer questions.