best service & maximum agility with state-of-the-art AI

best service & maximum agility with state-of-the-art AI

best service & maximum agility with state-of-the-art AI Thanks to the AI-based solution for response manage­ment smart FLOW from Insiders, Debeka is incre­asing effi­ci­ency and quality in customer service through automatic routing and prepared response modules....
The E‑Invoice is coming – are you prepared for it?

The E‑Invoice is coming – are you prepared for it?

The E‑Invoice is coming – are you prepared for it? Last Friday, the German par­lia­ment passed e‑invoicing as a mandatory standard. A reason to sit up and take notice or sit back and relax – depending on how you can implement the following three recom­men­da­tions....
Stra­te­gi­cally Elevate Your Business Now

Stra­te­gi­cally Elevate Your Business Now

Stra­te­gi­cally Elevate Your Business Now Unleash the Potential of Intel­li­gent Auto­ma­tion and Enhance Your Human Workforce with the Cognitive Auto­ma­tion World From Pascal Bornet   The challenge your business faces today Thanks to Chat GPT’s remar­kable...