we build your e‑invoicing future

We support you with your e‑invoicing processes. Insiders supports you in the intel­li­gent pro­ces­sing of your e‑invoice formats such as XRechnung or ZUGFeRD.

E‑Invoicing at Schäfer Shop

„E‑invoicing is a breeze for us with the 360° approach of Insiders Invoice Manage­ment!“
Patrick Schuster, Schäfer Shop Group GmbH

GVV uses Insiders E‑Invoice Manage­ment

„Insiders inte­grates all formats and e‑billing networks in a solution-oriented and con­ti­nuous manner – just as we need it!“
Jörg Büscher, GVV Kom­mu­nal­ver­si­che­rung VVaG

Automate your process. Acce­le­rate your business.

Every day, your company is con­fronted with a multitude of incoming content – whether it be through tra­di­tional paper mail, emails, chat messages, e‑invoices, or mobile apps. The data contained within is the fuel for your sub­se­quent business processes and auto­ma­tion tools like RPA, forming the cor­ner­stone of any well-func­tio­ning enter­prise. Thanks to the latest deep learning tech­no­lo­gies, our software solutions extract all business-relevant infor­ma­tion for the right business processes, automate tran­sac­tions, and shorten response times. With Insiders, the days of manual data entry are finally numbered, and your journey to cognitive process auto­ma­tion has just begun!

Banking and Insurance

Classify all incoming cor­re­spon­dence, extract relevant infor­ma­tion, route your data to the appro­priate business processes, and shorten response times – for out­stan­ding customer service.

Mobile E‑Health Solutions

Delight your customers and employees with intel­li­gent document capture, con­ve­nient self-services, and other mobile solutions.

E‑Invoice Manage­ment

Our intel­li­gent standard solution enables automated invoice pro­ces­sing and efficient invoice exchange in com­pli­ance with the latest EU standards – always con­forming to EN 16931.

Purchase-to-Pay Auto­ma­tion

Optimize your P2P process with AI-based data capture, automated approval workflows, and intel­li­gent response manage­ment solutions. We are your partner for e‑invoice pro­ces­sing.



The future is service-oriented – and so are our solutions. Seam­lessly integrate the Insiders Cloud Services into your existing system landscape and benefit from shortened imple­men­ta­tion cycles and usage-based pricing models. Contact us to learn more about our flexible deploy­ment models.

“Our long-term col­la­bo­ra­tion with Insiders in invoice pro­ces­sing has shown us that we already have the right partner by our side. Being able to seam­lessly process all invoice formats with the Insiders solution, whether classic PDF invoices or the new e‑invoice formats, is essential for us. Even e‑invoicing is a breeze with the 360° approach of Insiders Invoice Manage­ment!”

Patrick Schuster

Digital Process Inte­gra­tion, Schäfer Shop Group GmbH & Co. KG


In addition to our stan­dar­dized and market-proven business solutions, Insiders offers ever­y­thing you need to build your own AI tools. Thanks to no-code inter­faces, you can start auto­ma­ting your business processes today – without being an AI expert. Discover our GenerAItor and address use cases you have only dreamed of until now.

What is the Best LLM? The Latest Insiders Bench­mar­king

What is the Best LLM? The Latest Insiders Bench­mar­king

Which LLM is the Best for Your Business? The Insiders LLM Bench­mar­king analyzes the latest models like GPT‑4 Turbo, Claude 3.5 Sonnet, and Gemini 1.5 Pro, eva­lua­ting their per­for­mance for intel­li­gent process auto­ma­tion. Find out which model leads in 2025 – read now!

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Inno­va­tive Energy Con­trol­ling with AI

Inno­va­tive Energy Con­trol­ling with AI

Enerprice optimizes energy control with the flexible AI from Insiders Tech­no­lo­gies. The Swiss service provider uses AI tech­no­logy from Insiders Tech­no­lo­gies for efficient, automated invoice reading and trans­pa­rent, auditable energy manage­ment. The flexible solution enables cost opti­miza­tion and ESG-compliant reporting.

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Maximize dark pro­ces­sing in insurance processes with LLM

Maximize dark pro­ces­sing in insurance processes with LLM

Nürn­berger Ver­si­che­rung and Insiders show how insurance companies can benefit from LLM and other future-oriented AI tech­no­lo­gies at the Ver­si­che­rungs­foren Leipzig con­fe­rence. Insiders is taking part in the spe­cia­list con­fe­rence “Dark pro­ces­sing…

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Together, We Move Busi­nesses Forward

Insiders relies on a strong network of VAR, OEM, and BPO partners to multiply market poten­tials, leverage synergies, and advance cognitive process auto­ma­tion across borders.