We accompany you in your e‑invoicing processes. Insiders supports you in the intel­li­gent pro­ces­sing of your e‑invoice formats such as XRechnung or ZUGFeRD.


„The e‑invoice becomes a breeze for us with the 360° approach of Insiders Invoice Manage­ment!„
Patrick Schuster, Schäfer Shop Group GmbH


„Insiders seam­lessly inte­grates all formats and e‑invoice networks, just as we need!„
Jörg Büscher, GVV Kom­mu­nal­ver­si­che­rung VVaG

Automate Your Process. Acce­le­rate Your Business.

Every day, your orga­niza­tion is exposed to masses of incoming content – whether it be via classic paper mail, emails, chat messages, e‑invoices, or mobile app requests. This data fuels sub­se­quent business processes and auto­ma­tion tools such as RPA – and ulti­m­ately is the cor­ner­stone of any effi­ci­ently working enter­prise.

Thanks to the latest Deep Learning tech­no­lo­gies, our software solutions extract all business-relevant infor­ma­tion, route your data to the right business workflow, automate tran­sac­tions, and shorten response times. With Insiders, the days of manual data entry are numbered, and your journey to Cognitive Process Auto­ma­tion is beginning!

Mailroom Auto­ma­tion

Classify all incoming cor­re­spon­dence, extract relevant business infor­ma­tion, route your data to the appro­priate business workflow, and shorten response times – for out­stan­ding customer service.

Purchase-to-Pay Auto­ma­tion

Empower your P2P process with AI-driven data capture, automated approval workflows, and smart response manage­ment solutions. We are your partner for pro­ces­sing e‑invoices.

Order-to-Cash Auto­ma­tion

Process all struc­tured and unstruc­tured customer orders and boost your customer expe­ri­ence manage­ment with the help of omnich­annel com­mu­ni­ca­tion tools.

Mobile Appli­ca­tions

Delight your customers and employees with intel­li­gent document capture, con­ve­nient self-services, and mobile app solutions.

Repea­tedly awarded


The future is service-oriented – and so are our solutions. Integrate Insiders Cloud Services seam­lessly into your existing system landscape and benefit from shortened imple­men­ta­tion cycles and usage-based pricing models. Contact us to learn more about our flexible deploy­ment models.

“Pro­ces­sing inter­na­tional invoices with a standard product – this is what impressed us about Insiders from the very beginning. Today, we process our incoming invoices in more than 30 inter­na­tional sub­si­dia­ries using Invoice Manage­ment from Insiders – it’s highly efficient and very con­ve­nient.”

Markus Schwein­berger

Head of Accoun­ting Standards and Prin­ci­ples, BSH

Cognitive Process Auto­ma­tion placed in your hands

In addition to our stan­dar­dised and market-tested business solutions, Insiders offers you ever­y­thing you need to build your own AI tools. Thanks to no-code inter­faces, you can start auto­ma­ting your business processes today – without being an AI expert. Get to know our Service Builder and address use cases that you have only dreamed of so far.


In addition to our stan­dar­dised and market-tested business solutions, Insiders offers you ever­y­thing you need to build your own AI tools. Thanks to no-code inter­faces, you can start auto­ma­ting your business processes today – without being an AI expert. Get to know our Service Builder and address use cases that you have only dreamed of so far.

Insiders at the e‑invoicing summit

Insiders at the e‑invoicing summit

At the e‑invoicing summit, Insiders Tech­no­lo­gies will be pre­sen­ting 360 Grad Invoice Manage­ment for the stan­dar­dised pro­ces­sing of invoices regard­less of document form and e‑invoice format. Insiders 360 Degree Invoice Manage­ment relieves companies of the com­ple­xity of inter­na­tional formats and trans­mis­sion channels and ensures a high degree of auto­ma­tion thanks to modern AI.

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acce­le­rate busi­nesses together

Insiders relies on a strong network of VAR, OEM, and BPO partners to increase its market potential, benefit from synergies and boost Cognitive Process Auto­ma­tion across borders.