AI-supported incoming invoice workflow from the Microsoft Cloud

free-com solutions, an expert in document-driven business processes, uses Insiders‘ tech­no­lo­gi­cally leading products as powerful com­pon­ents for clas­si­fying, reading and vali­da­ting. Embedded in Microsoft 365 and easily available as SaaS (Software as a Service) from the Azure Mar­ket­place, SMEs in par­ti­cular, but also major customers, benefit from the solution.
free-com solutions GmbH has been deve­lo­ping and selling solutions for document-driven business processes for medium-sized and large companies in the DACH region for more than 20 years. Head­quar­tered in Vienna, the provider automates everyday checking, approval and filing steps for important business documents such as incoming invoices, travel and expense reports and purchase orders. In addition to being intuitive and easy to use, it is par­ti­cu­larly important to free-com solutions that solutions fit in well with the work process and enable efficient work by auto­ma­ting routine tasks and imple­men­ting com­pli­ance requi­re­ments inde­pendently. This is espe­ci­ally true when it comes to details or indi­vi­dual cases – this is how a good solution becomes the best solution on the market.

For the intel­li­gent, AI-supported pro­ces­sing of documents, free-com solutions has been using Insiders products for many years – such as smart INVOICE for optimized incoming invoice pro­ces­sing. The solution impresses with an end-to-end digital process from invoice receipt to archiving, with par­ti­cu­larly high fle­xi­bi­lity in the design of the approval process and the inte­gra­tion option for many common financial accoun­ting systems such as BMD, DATEV, Microsoft Dynamics 365 and SAP in all current versions.

Other products from the Insiders portfolio are also used by free-com solutions for other customer appli­ca­tions. smart ORDER, for example, is used in the O2C area for order accep­tance at companies in the paper industry and logistics, while others use smart ORDER CON­FIR­MA­TION for order con­fir­ma­tions or smart DELIVERY NOTES for pro­ces­sing delivery bills.

„free-com solutions reco­gnized the trend towards cloud-based solutions for the auto­ma­tion of business processes early on,

says Dr. Alexander Swienty, Head of Channel Manage­ment at Insiders.„Our joint customers therefore benefit in par­ti­cular from the com­bi­na­tion of free-com solutions‘ workflow engine and the automatic invoice reco­gni­tion in our smart CLOUD.“

free-com solutions reco­gnized the potential of the cloud model for its customers early on. Small and medium-sized end customers in par­ti­cular do not have to worry about the costly and labor-intensive operation of their own infra­struc­ture for the solution. The appli­ca­tion is also very easy to put into operation with low initial invest­ment and can be scaled flexibly. This is why free-com solutions offers its customers the choice of deploy­ment: as a SaaS solution from the cloud or on premises. As a cloud service, the solution runs in Microsoft Azure and is par­ti­cu­larly easy to obtain from the Microsoft Azure Mar­ket­place. With Insiders, free-com solutions has a partner at its side that imple­ments a clear cloud strategy itself and offers the com­pon­ents both on premises and as a cloud service.

In par­ti­cular with regard to its own claim to excel­lence – espe­ci­ally in customer-oriented detail – free-com solutions con­sis­t­ently uses the best com­pon­ents and, with more than 20 years of expe­ri­ence in the field, knows the market and the per­for­mance of the providers very well.

„There are many com­pon­ents that can read infor­ma­tion from documents, but Insiders is unmatched by the com­pe­ti­tion in terms of the quality of the results and automated checking and vali­da­tion, as well as the user-fri­end­li­ness of the veri­fi­ca­tion process, and is con­stantly inno­vating. Our customers clearly benefit from this quality,

explains Christian Cerny, Managing Director at free-com solutions.