Inno­va­tive Energy Con­trol­ling with AI

The Swiss service provider Enerprice evaluates incoming invoices using the flexible AI from Insiders Tech­no­lo­gies and creates a detailed, auditable report on the actual energy con­sump­tion of companies. This reporting forms a solid basis for opti­miza­tions and climate pro­tec­tion measures, free from any green­wa­shing alle­ga­tions. Addi­tio­nally, Enerprice relieves its clients‘ accoun­ting depart­ments by handling the veri­fi­ca­tion, con­so­li­da­tion, and pro­ces­sing of incoming invoices.

The Swiss company Enerprice AG utilizes the AI solution e‑invoice pro from Insiders Tech­no­lo­gies to accu­ra­tely capture and optimize corporate energy con­sump­tion. Through automated invoice pro­ces­sing, Enerprice provides its clients with a detailed, auditable report that serves as a foun­da­tion for climate pro­tec­tion measures—without any accu­sa­tions of green­wa­shing. Enerprice offers automated energy con­trol­ling, reading, vali­da­ting, and con­so­li­da­ting con­sump­tion data from billing documents for energy sources like elec­tri­city, natural gas, and heating oil. This precise data capture supports companies in their ESG reporting and provides a solid base for opti­miza­tion and climate pro­tec­tion actions. The AI tech­no­logy OvAItion from Insiders Tech­no­lo­gies auto­ma­ti­cally reads complex invoices and assigns the data correctly. With e‑invoice pro, over 100,000 documents are processed and validated annually, improving the quality and effi­ci­ency of the entire process. The process is certified according to ISAE 3402, ensuring the highest data quality and tracea­bi­lity. Thanks to the high level of auto­ma­tion, Enerprice can grow effi­ci­ently and deliver even better results to its clients—such as through the inte­gra­tion of Large Language Models (LLM) that further optimize data veri­fi­ca­tion.

“Our inno­va­tive energy con­trol­ling would not be eco­no­mic­ally feasible without the extensive auto­ma­tion provided by the flexible AI from Insiders Tech­no­lo­gies. This allows our customers to receive a detailed and well-founded report of their energy con­sump­tion at an attrac­tive price,” says Stefan Haas, Head of Energy Con­trol­ling & Billing at Enerprice AG. With the AI-based solution from Insiders Tech­no­lo­gies, Enerprice offers efficient and trans­pa­rent energy con­trol­ling that not only enables cost savings but also serves as the basis for sus­tainable climate pro­tec­tion stra­te­gies.