Insiders Blog

AI in Accoun­ting: Auto-accoun­ting Proves Its Worth

AI in Accoun­ting: Auto-accoun­­ting Proves Its Worth

The new auto-accoun­ting solution from Insiders provides signi­fi­cant relief and stan­dar­dized top-quality results — covering both e‑invoicing and tra­di­tional invoice documents. Customers of the AI-based solution are thrilled. Insiders now offers its…

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Bitkom e‑invoice study: holistic approach required

Bitkom e‑invoice study: holistic approach required

Less than half of German companies are currently able to receive e‑invoices – despite this being mandatory from 2025. Insiders recom­mends flexible solutions that integrate standards and enable com­pre­hen­sive, digital invoice management.In view of a…

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A Boost for the Insiders Insurance unit

A Boost for the Insiders Insurance unit

With Rolf Zielke as a leading figure in insurance IT, Insiders Tech­no­lo­gies is streng­thening its expertise in the AI-based auto­ma­tion of processes in the insurance industry.

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Trade magazine manage IT reports on new Insiders products

Trade magazine manage IT reports on new Insiders products

The trade magazine manage IT reports exten­si­vely on the launch of our new products OmnIA, OvAItion and GenerAItor and praises Insiders Tech­no­lo­gies‘ strategic vision and our firm com­mit­ment to customers and partners as we transform into a new era of AI.

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The Future of Intel­li­gent Auto­ma­tion: GenerAItor, OvAItion, and OmnIA

The Future of Intel­li­gent Auto­ma­tion: GenerAItor, OvAItion, and OmnIA

With three new products, Insiders presents a best-of-breed approach to LLMs and sets a new standard for sim­pli­fied inte­gra­tion and orchestra­tion of advanced intel­li­gent auto­ma­tion com­pon­ents. The powerful com­bi­na­tion of various Insiders AI tech­no­lo­gies opens up new appli­ca­tion areas for intel­li­gent process opti­miza­tion, show­ca­sing the potential for AI-driven effi­ci­ency gains in business.

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AI in Accoun­ting: Auto-accoun­ting Proves Its Worth

AI in Accoun­ting: Auto-accoun­­ting Proves Its Worth

The new auto-accoun­ting solution from Insiders provides signi­fi­cant relief and stan­dar­dized top-quality results — covering both e‑invoicing and tra­di­tional invoice documents. Customers of the AI-based solution are thrilled. Insiders now offers its customers automatic…

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Insiders at the e‑invoicing summit

Insiders at the e‑invoicing summit

The expert for intel­li­gent invoice pro­ces­sing presents 360 degree invoice manage­ment and uses concrete appli­ca­tion examples to show how the receipt, dispatch and pro­ces­sing of e‑invoices can be easily mastered.Insiders Tech­no­lo­gies, a leading tech­no­logy provider of…

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Optimal Systems and Insiders at DSAG Partner Day

Optimal Systems and Insiders at DSAG Partner Day

Efficient receipt and dispatch of e‑invoices, automated invoice pro­ces­sing and con­nec­tion to SAP. Insiders and Optimal Systems make joint customers e‑invoice ready. Insiders Tech­no­lo­gies, a leading tech­no­logy provider of Intel­li­gent Auto­ma­tion (IA) software, will be…

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Insiders & Fraun­hofer IESE: New Capstone Project Launched

Insiders & Fraun­hofer IESE: New Capstone Project Launched

Insiders continues its long-standing col­la­bo­ra­tion with Fraun­hofer IESE by launching a new student project, giving Master’s students hands-on expe­ri­ence in the workings of a modern AI company.With the launch of a new Capstone project, Insiders Tech­no­lo­gies and…

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e‑invoicing obli­ga­tion – data & facts

e‑invoicing obli­ga­tion – data & facts

From January 1st 2025, companies in the B2B sector will have to implement new requi­re­ments for their invoices. We have sum­ma­rized for you what the e‑invoicing obli­ga­tion means in concrete terms. Right up front: with Insiders and our stan­dar­dized solutions for modern…

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Ready for e- invoicing: efficient, compliant & future-proof

Ready for e- invoicing: efficient, compliant & future-proof

Starting January 1st 2025, e‑invoicing will be mandatory in the B2B sector in Germany. But don’t worry, Insiders Tech­no­lo­gies is here to help you make this tran­si­tion as smooth as possible. The intro­duc­tion of e‑invoicing brings numerous advan­tages and is easier than you might think.
We already offer you stan­dar­dized solutions for modern invoice exchange and highly efficient, intel­li­gent invoice pro­ces­sing.

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AI-supported incoming invoice workflow from the Microsoft Cloud

AI-supported incoming invoice workflow from the Microsoft Cloud

free-com solutions, an expert in document-driven business processes, uses Insiders‘ tech­no­lo­gi­cally leading products as powerful com­pon­ents for clas­si­fying, reading and vali­da­ting. Embedded in Microsoft 365 and easily available as SaaS (Software as a Service) from the…

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Insiders at the e‑invoicing summit

Insiders at the e‑invoicing summit

At the e‑invoicing summit, Insiders Tech­no­lo­gies will be pre­sen­ting 360 Grad Invoice Manage­ment for the stan­dar­dised pro­ces­sing of invoices regard­less of document form and e‑invoice format. Insiders 360 Degree Invoice Manage­ment relieves companies of the com­ple­xity of inter­na­tional formats and trans­mis­sion channels and ensures a high degree of auto­ma­tion thanks to modern AI.

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IT Talks


Watch this talk to learn more about refac­to­ring and how to use it to improve your source code.

Comments in source code

Clean code demands easy-to-read source code. How important are comments? We give the answer in this video.

Code opti­miza­tion

In this talk, we will present methods that signi­fi­cantly increase the com­pre­hen­si­bi­lity of code for us and others.

Clean code

Learn more about sus­tainable software deve­lo­p­ment with clean code.

best service & maximum agility with state-of-the-art AI

best service & maximum agility with state-of-the-art AI

Discover how Debeka leverages cutting-edge AI tech­no­logy from Insiders Tech­no­lo­gies to enhance service and achieve unpre­ce­dented agility. Explore the trans­for­ma­tion in customer service and how inno­va­tive solutions lead to peak per­for­mance in the insurance industry.

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The E‑Invoice is coming – are you prepared for it?

The E‑Invoice is coming – are you prepared for it?

Last Friday, the German par­lia­ment passed e‑invoicing as a mandatory standard. A reason to sit up and take notice or sit back and relax – depending on how you can implement the following three recom­men­da­tions. The law in its current form provides for a fun­da­mental…

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Customer satis­fac­tion through AI-supported order accep­tance

Customer satis­fac­tion through AI-supported order accep­tance

Phoenix Contact uses AI to create an automated workflow for recording, pro­ces­sing and archiving incoming orders and invoices. Processes could be signi­fi­cantly optimized and workflows acce­le­rated. Phoenix Contact has been deve­lo­ping elec­tronic products for con­nec­ting,…

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Stra­te­gi­cally Elevate Your Business Now

Stra­te­gi­cally Elevate Your Business Now

Unleash the Potential of Intel­li­gent Auto­ma­tion and Enhance Your Human Workforce with the Cognitive Auto­ma­tion World From Pascal Bornet  The challenge your business faces today Thanks to Chat GPT’s remar­kable success and the rapid rise of all things related to…

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Now Available: The Insiders Mar­ket­place

Now Available: The Insiders Mar­ket­place

It’s finally here! The Insiders Mar­ket­place is live and ready to lead your business into the future of auto­ma­tion. Let’s take a detailed look at what makes this mar­ket­place so unique. The Insiders Mar­ket­place: Part of the Cognitive Auto­ma­tion World The Insiders…

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More time for indi­vi­dual customer service

More time for indi­vi­dual customer service

Thanks to state-of-the-art AI tech­no­logy from Insiders, thys­sen­krupp Materials Services signi­fi­cantly speeds up the process of order accep­tance and frees up remar­kably more time for personal, indi­vi­dual customer service. thys­sen­krupp Materials Services (TKMX) really…

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Baloise goes Insiders Cloud

Baloise goes Insiders Cloud

The Swiss insurance group migrates smart FIX, the intel­li­gent Insiders solution for automated pro­ces­sing of all incoming cor­re­spon­dence, to the cloud. How the migration was achieved suc­cessfully and more about the joint cloud strategy of Baloise and Insiders will be…

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New power for the insiders manage­ment team

New power for the insiders manage­ment team

As successor to Dr. Rainer Czech, the expe­ri­enced tech­no­logy expert Dr. Alexander Swienty will support Insiders to achieve global success by expanding and inter­na­tio­na­li­zing the channel. The Insiders team welcomes Dr. Alexander Swienty as the new Head of Channel Manage­ment.

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Maximum effi­ci­ency in document pro­ces­sing

Maximum effi­ci­ency in document pro­ces­sing

Thanks to Insiders, Schäfer Shop and Schäfer Werke relieve their employees through high auto­ma­tion rates. With smart INVOICE and smart ORDER, the two Schaefer family busi­nesses optimize processes for order entry and invoice pro­ces­sing of all incoming documents and…

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Meet Us! Insiders bei der CCW 2023

Meet Us! Insiders bei der CCW 2023

As an industry expert for AI-supported process auto­ma­tion, Insiders will be at this year’s Call Center World 2023. From February 28 to March 2, we will present intel­li­gent solutions for response manage­ment, omni-channel and con­ver­sa­tional AI – the next level in…

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A big step towards ePA and e‑prescription

A big step towards ePA and e‑prescription

Together with RISE, Insiders is launching a one-app package for private health insurers with invoice manage­ment and tele­ma­tics infra­struc­ture. This extends the health apps already commonly used by private health insurers to include access to the tele­ma­tics…

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Optimized invoice workflow with state-of-the-art AI

Optimized invoice workflow with state-of-the-art AI

In col­la­bo­ra­tion with our partner fido GmbH & Co. KG., the inter­na­tional recycling company TEXAID imple­ments smart INVOICE as their starting point for a fully digitized invoice processing.A veritable flood of incoming invoices trough different channels and at several…

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How AI boosts Markant’s P2P processes

How AI boosts Markant’s P2P processes

At the 17th Shared Services & Out­sour­cing Week 2022, Markant, a long-standing Insiders customer, will present its automated document and invoice pro­ces­sing with the smart INVOICE software. Torsten Breit­kreuz, Head of Inter­na­tional Projects at Markant Services…

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