we build your e‑invoicing future

Com­pre­hen­sive e‑invoice manage­ment

with Insiders

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Com­pre­hen­sive E‑Invoice Manage­ment with Insiders

With the intel­li­gent e‑invoice solutions from Insiders Tech­no­lo­gies, your company is perfectly equipped for elec­tronic invoicing. Formats such as XRechnung, ZUGFeRD, KSeF XML, or FatturaPA can be processed seam­lessly. Our smart standard solution enables automated invoice pro­ces­sing and efficient invoice exchange in accordance with the latest EU standards – always compliant with EN 16931.

Expe­ri­ence maximum effi­ci­ency and quality, and turn the e‑invoicing mandate into an oppor­tu­nity!

With the Insiders Invoice solution e‑invoice pro, you can process Germany’s relevant e‑invoice formats XRechnung and ZUGFeRD, as well as other invoices (e.g. PDFs), within a unified, AI-supported workflow. This is com­ple­mented by intel­li­gent features such as data enrich­ment, the use of vali­da­tion logics, and com­pli­ance checks according to §14 of the German VAT Act (UstG).

Our solution e‑connect offers seamless inte­gra­tion with various national and inter­na­tional portals such as Open­Peppol, ZRE, and Chorus Pro, along with con­ve­nient mail import – always in full com­pli­ance with legal requi­re­ments. Addi­tio­nally, benefit from Insiders as a certified Peppol Access Point.

With e‑convert, incoming e‑invoice data is converted upon receipt, and outgoing ERP data is trans­formed into the required format for dispatch. In addition to XRechnung and ZUGFeRD, e‑convert supports inter­na­tional formats such as FatturaPA, FacturX, Peppol BIS, and FA(2). These formats are tech­ni­cally validated for EN 16931 com­pli­ance, and a human-readable copy is generated for each.

Addi­tional AI modules enable automated account assign­ment, as well as fraud and anomaly detection.

With Insiders, you’ll always stay one step ahead in elec­tronic invoice exchange!

All common formats

intel­li­gent invoice reception


inno­va­tive invoice dispatch

Certified Peppol Access Point

Automatic veri­fi­ca­tion according to § 14 para. 4 UStG (German Turnover Tax Act)

EN 16931 conform


Our e‑invoice solution e‑connect offers various con­nec­tions for your invoice manage­ment to inter­na­tional networks like Peppol, vendor portals, or a con­ve­nient option via email. Choose the option that best suits your needs!


Our e‑invoice solution e‑convert for con­ve­nient con­ver­sion checks your elec­tronic invoices according to European standards (EN 16931) and converts them into the desired format. Work with your invoices in exactly the format you need!


Optimize your invoice manage­ment: Our intel­li­gent solution e‑invoice pro securely completes missing data, ensures accuracy and com­pli­ance, and offers an intuitive user interface for efficient invoice review. Revo­lu­tio­nize your invoice pro­ces­sing with Insiders!

„Our long-standing col­la­bo­ra­tion with Insiders in invoice pro­ces­sing has shown us that we already have the right partner by our side. Being able to seam­lessly process all invoice formats with the Insiders solution, whether tra­di­tional PDF invoices or the new e‑invoice formats, is essential for us. Even e‑invoicing is a breeze for us with the 360° approach of Insiders‘ Invoice Manage­ment!“

Patrick Schuster

Schäfer Shop Group GmbH & Co. KG

Intel­li­gent and Automated

Our intel­li­gent solution e‑invoice pro processes both elec­tronic invoice formats and future „other invoices“ com­for­tably and reliably in a single system.

Reduce the error rate in your invoice pro­ces­sing, increase data integrity, and boost the effi­ci­ency of your entire process. Essential features for data enrich­ment acce­le­rate your invoicing process expo­nen­ti­ally and support your accoun­ting depart­ment. The matching of invoice data with cor­re­spon­ding order and goods receipt infor­ma­tion, combined with detailed vali­da­tion mecha­nisms, ensures the highest data quality for further pro­ces­sing in down­stream systems.

Com­pre­hen­sive checks, including those under Section 14, Paragraph 4 of the German VAT Act (UStG), guarantee that your invoices meet all accuracy and con­sis­tency standards and qualify for input tax deduction.

Benefit from over 25 years of expe­ri­ence in intel­li­gent process auto­ma­tion and invoice pro­ces­sing with Insiders, and take your invoice manage­ment to the next level!

Ready for E-Invoicing!

Pro­ces­sing of all e‑invoice formats and “other invoices” such as PDF in one software solution


fully automated AP/AR process


Compliant with EU standard EN 16931 and always up to date


All elec­tronic invoice formats available: XRechnung, ZUGFeRD, Factur‑X, FA(2), FatturaPA and more


Seamless con­nec­tion to national and inter­na­tional e‑invoice portals and vendor portals


Inter­na­tional and country-specific con­for­mity of your invoice data


Highly reliable data vali­da­tion and enrich­ment

„It was important to us to have a flexible solution for modern invoice exchange that covers all current and future requi­re­ments.

With Insiders Tech­no­lo­gies‘ 360° invoice manage­ment, we feel very well prepared: Insiders con­ti­nuously and solution-oriented inte­grates all formats and e‑invoicing networks – exactly the way we need it!“

Jörg Büscher

GVV Kom­mu­nal­ver­si­che­rung VVaG

Flexible Reception and Dispatch

e‑connect enables you to receive and send elec­tronic invoices through various portals and email inboxes. As a certified service provider, we offer con­nec­tions to inter­na­tional networks such as Peppol, NemHandel, as well as country-specific systems like ZRE, SdI, and Chorus Pro. Utilize the Insiders Access Point to seam­lessly connect to the inter­na­tional network for elec­tronic invoicing, Peppol. Vendor portals, such as Deutsche Telekom AG’s supplier portal or DHL’s portal, are also available for your use.

With the e‑connect solution from Insiders, you can easily choose between con­nec­ting to various portals for invoice exchange or sending and receiving via email. With Insiders, you select the path that best fits your needs!


e‑convert reliably converts elec­tronic invoice formats into the ERP format you require, always up to date. Addi­tio­nally, all elec­tronic invoices are auto­ma­ti­cally checked for com­pli­ance with the European standard for elec­tronic invoicing (EN 16931), ensuring that all your invoices are always compliant with the allowed syntaxes UBL and UN/CEFACT CII.

With e‑convert, your invoices are also converted from any format into an elec­tronic format, making them ready for e‑invoicing trans­mis­sion.

The con­ver­sion module further prepares all invoice data for archiving in down­stream systems. With e‑convert, your invoice pro­ces­sing is always legally compliant and secure.

User-Friendly Interface

Com­pre­hen­sive invoice pro­ces­sing at Insiders also includes steps such as auto-accoun­ting, data enrich­ment, terms and con­di­tions veri­fi­ca­tion, fraud and anomaly detection, as well as intel­li­gent pro­ces­sing of PDF documents.

Thanks to cutting-edge AI tech­no­lo­gies, none of this is an issue for Insiders Invoice Manage­ment. Don’t rely on multiple systems and providers—use our Insiders Invoice product portfolio to cover all your chal­lenges at once.

The intuitive, intel­li­gent user interface of our solution enables modern, efficient, and user-friendly invoice manage­ment.

E‑Invoice Expertise

The Asso­cia­tion for Elec­tronic Invoicing (VeR) brings together the expertise and com­pre­hen­sive knowledge of spe­cia­lized e‑invoicing service providers, renowned con­sul­ting firms, and other expe­ri­enced market par­ti­ci­pants.

As a long-standing member of VeR, the expert asso­cia­tion of the German e‑invoicing industry, we drive things forward instead of just talking about them.

The association’s goal is to make elec­tronic invoicing in the B2B sector the standard and to regularly provide excel­lently prepared (pro­fes­sional) infor­ma­tion on legal frame­works, strategic planning, and efficient imple­men­ta­tion of e‑invoicing projects.

E‑Invoicing ready with Insiders!

Upcoming e‑invoice Events

E‑Invoicing Hackathon for Partners on October 14, 2024

E‑Invoicing Summit Berlin on October 21–22, 2024

Webinar „Ask an E‑Invoice Expert“ on November 7, 2024