Where your ideas get a new dimension

Become part of a suc­cessful AI company that is reinven­ting process auto­ma­tion for the digital enter­prise. Where talent and ambition are rewarded, inno­va­tion and pro­fes­sional deve­lo­p­ment are valued.

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Inno­va­tion Culture

We have a company-wide culture of inno­va­tion. Tech­no­lo­gical progress is made through imple­men­ting creative processes based on the latest research.

Agile deve­lo­p­ment methods and flexible working models promote creative thinking across mul­ti­di­sci­pli­nary teams. This creates a working envi­ron­ment for designing future-oriented solutions. We offer our employees the freedom to develop their potential based on trust, a focus on teamwork, cross func­tional working and cultural diversity.

Find your Position

We are always looking for talented indi­vi­duals to join our team. It is very important to us to get to know you per­so­nally and find out about your indi­vi­dual skills and your pro­fes­sional back­ground. Please send us your completed appli­ca­tion in PDF format, ideally in one document.

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repea­tedly awarded

We were awarded the Top Company seal 2023 by kununu and thus once again belong to the 5% of the most popular companies in Germany, Austria and Switz­er­land. Our corporate culture and diversity are par­ti­cu­larly app­re­ciated:

„Very pleasant working atmo­sphere, exciting & varied tasks and high fle­xi­bi­lity“

Our employees are the most important resource in the company. We would like to express our sincere thanks for the trusting coope­ra­tion and the open corporate culture. You can find the entry in the portal here.

Every year, the Burda company FactField uses an elaborate process to identify medium-sized companies that are par­ti­cu­larly valued as employers. As a research partner, FactField will continue to support the career and business portal FOCUS-Business in 2023 in giving people an initial ori­en­ta­tion in their search for an attrac­tive employer.

Decisive factors for the ranking of the „Top SME Employers 2023“ included fair pay, flexible working hours and an app­re­cia­tive working atmo­sphere. For the first time, companies that are also cha­rac­te­rised by a par­ti­cu­larly diverse corporate culture were also iden­ti­fied.

Insiders will continue to be one of the 100 fastest-growing SMEs in Germany in 2023. Our focus is on intel­li­gent process auto­ma­tion – based on arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence. Inter­na­tional companies such as BASF rely on us and use our products and services to optimise their processes.

Thanks to high average sales growth and an out­stan­ding EBIT margin, Insiders landed in ninth place in the ranking of the 100 fastest-growing SMEs in Germany in 2023. This ranking, deter­mined by the strategy con­sul­tancy Munich Strategy in coope­ra­tion with the Han­dels­blatt, can be found here.

We have been awarded the „Top Salary Satis­fac­tion 2023“ seal by kununu. Together with the SZ Institut – a brand of Süd­deut­scher Verlag – kununu honours 1000 companies where employees have the highest level of salary satis­fac­tion.

The ranking is based on employer ratings and salary infor­ma­tion provided by employees on kununu.com. Decisive factors for the award include the general ratings from employees, the „Salary/Benefits“ rating category and specific salary details.

Further infor­ma­tion and the article by Süd­deut­scher Verlag can be found here.



With our flexible options for working inde­pendently of time and location, we give you the oppor­tu­ni­ties to design the work envi­ron­ment you need, which fits into the way your team works.

Health and wellbeing

Your health and a good work-life balance are important to us. That’s why we offer medical exami­na­tions, vac­ci­na­tions, and a wide range of sports acti­vi­ties as part of our health program.


We offer per­so­na­lized learning and indi­vi­dual training and education for employees. You can also benefit and learn directly from the expe­ri­ence of your col­le­agues at our internal events and workshops.

Family Pro­tec­tion

We take care of you. Insiders has accident insurance cover for every employee. There is also health insurance cover for business trips abroad and a company pension plan.


Proac­ti­vity and out­stan­ding per­for­mance are reco­gnized and app­re­ciated at Insiders. Personal deve­lo­p­ment oppor­tu­ni­ties are always open to you.

Social Respon­si­bi­lity

Insiders supports social projects. Both locally, in the Kai­sers­lau­tern area, and in deve­lo­ping and emerging countries.



The best ideas come from diversity. In the spirit of design thinking, we encourage a wide variety of per­so­na­li­ties to develop new, inno­va­tive solutions together.

and more

Inno­va­tive room concepts, creative and agile working methods, inspi­ra­tion through art, a sunny roof garden with BBQ, free drinks or ice cream … there is so much more to discover at Insiders!

Take the initia­tive

If you would like to bring your expe­ri­ence and passion for modern tech­no­lo­gies to Insiders, but the job descrip­tions do not exactly match your qua­li­fi­ca­tions – you are also welcomed to send us an unso­li­cited appli­ca­tion at any time.

Insiders connect

Discover our wide range of acti­vi­ties, such as workshops on agile, creative methods and AI, projects in coope­ra­tion with uni­ver­si­ties and colleges, super­vi­sion of student research projects, in-service doc­to­rates, career fairs and much more.

It’s a match

Impress us with your per­so­na­lity and show us what makes you enthu­si­a­stic about your job. We want you to be authentic and to get to know you as you are. Tell us why you want to work at Insiders and why you are the perfect candidate for the position. Most importantly, we want you to seize the oppor­tu­nity and get to know us – let’s find out together if we are a good match!