AI in Accoun­ting: Auto-accoun­­ting Proves Its Worth

The new auto-accoun­ting solution from Insiders provides signi­fi­cant relief and stan­dar­dized top-quality results — covering both e‑invoicing and tra­di­tional invoice documents. Customers of the AI-based solution are thrilled.

Insiders now offers its customers automatic invoice accoun­ting. The auto-accoun­ting process is uniformly managed by a learning AI, regard­less of the input format, encom­pas­sing e‑invoices, PDFs, and tra­di­tional paper documents—even without order refe­rences.

Unpar­al­leled Accuracy with Cutting-edge AI
The intel­li­gent auto-accoun­ting solution leverages AI-based super­vised learning to automate the allo­ca­tion of cost centers, cost units, and accounts, identify typical approvers, and generate meaningful booking texts. The solution observes and learns from his­to­rical ERP data to execute precise and cus­to­mized bookings for each client. Among its capa­bi­li­ties, a neural network is trained to utilize natural language under­stan­ding and transfer learning, enabling it to reliably deduce appro­priate actions from learning data, even for new suppliers in a familiar industry. Changes and new requi­re­ments are con­ti­nuously captured through back­ground retrai­ning, ensuring the solution remains up-to-date and delivers excep­tional precision. Currently, three months of his­to­rical ERP data is typically suf­fi­cient as training material to achieve near-perfect automatic accoun­ting accuracy, even in chal­len­ging scenarios. A new approach, currently being piloted, even minimizes the need for his­to­rical data.

Seamless Inte­gra­tion and Synergy with E‑Invoicing
The auto-accoun­ting solution is built on Insiders‘ powerful AI platform, OvAItion, and can be seam­lessly inte­grated into existing processes as a stan­da­lone service via proven inter­faces, sup­porting ERP, ECM, or workflow systems. In addition to modular solutions, customers can opt for the com­pre­hen­sive e‑invoice solution, which unites all com­pon­ents to deliver intel­li­gent 360-degree invoice manage­ment. This solution enables data exchange across all common formats—from paper to e‑invoices—and includes certified Peppol Access.

“The rapid adoption of e‑invoicing is driving the deve­lo­p­ment of new AI appli­ca­tions in accoun­ting, such as auto-accoun­ting and anomaly detection. With our e‑finance solutions, we enable our customers to achieve a new level of auto­ma­tion and process quality in accoun­ting,” says Dr. Maxi­mi­lian Schwenger, Head of e‑finance Deve­lo­p­ment at Insiders.

AI-powered Auto-accoun­ting Delivers Multiple Benefits
Auto­ma­ting invoice accoun­ting offers numerous advan­tages. It relieves accoun­ting teams from repe­ti­tive, mono­to­nous tasks, allowing them to focus on more meaningful acti­vi­ties. Fur­ther­more, auto­ma­tion makes scaling much easier, enabling busi­nesses to handle seasonal peaks or rapid growth effec­tively. It also ensures con­sis­t­ently high and stan­dar­dized quality.
Several companies are already using this service and are highly impressed. The auto-accoun­ting solution is now available from Insiders Tech­no­lo­gies or its partners. The company is happy to provide per­so­na­lized demons­tra­tions or proofs of concept upon request.