Inno­va­tive Energy Con­trol­ling with AI

Inno­va­tive Energy Con­trol­ling with AI

Inno­va­tive Energy Con­trol­ling with AI The Swiss service provider Enerprice evaluates incoming invoices using the flexible AI from Insiders Tech­no­lo­gies and creates a detailed, auditable report on the actual energy con­sump­tion of companies. This reporting...
A Boost for the Insiders Insurance unit

A Boost for the Insiders Insurance unit

A Boost for the Insiders Insurance unit With Rolf Zielke as a leading figure in insurance IT, Insiders Tech­no­lo­gies is streng­thening its expertise in the AI-based auto­ma­tion of processes in the insurance industry. Insurance companies benefit from this...
Trade magazine manage IT reports on new Insiders products

Trade magazine manage IT reports on new Insiders products

Trade magazine manage IT reports on new Insiders products The trade magazine manage IT reports exten­si­vely on the launch of our new products OmnIA, OvAItion and GenerAItor and praises Insiders Tech­no­lo­gies‘ strategic vision and our firm com­mit­ment to customers...