Expe­ri­ence next gene­ra­tion ai services

We empower cognitive auto­ma­tion
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The Insiders


Whatever business process you think of – all are driven by some kind of data input. We have made it our business to provide this input – at the highest speed and quality, with minimal manual effort and and also very con­ve­ni­ently.

The Insiders Cognitive Auto­ma­tion World is your one gateway to an extensive toolbox of AI tech­no­lo­gies centered around cognitive clas­si­fi­ca­tion and extra­c­tion. Whether you use our ready-made solutions from the Insiders Service Ecosystem or create your own services – we are your point of contact for process auto­ma­tion.

Because: if you can think it, we can automate it.


As a spin-off of the German Research Center for Arti­fi­cial Intel­li­gence (DFKI), arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence has been the basis of ever­y­thing we do from day one. Our AI OVATION under­stands every type of content – from simple paper documents to complex customer messages.

And that’s not all – thanks to the inte­gra­tion of Large Language Models (LLM), such as Chat GPT, OVATION can not only process queries, but also answer them and even design parts of the auto­ma­tion process itself.

Driven by state-of-the-art tech­no­lo­gies in the field of Cognitive Clas­si­fi­ca­tion and Extra­c­tion, OVATION is your engine for intel­li­gent document pro­ces­sing and the basis of Insiders Cognitive Auto­ma­tion World. Benefit from state-of-the-art AI!

Smart Services

In our Service Ecosystem, we offer a variety of out-of-the-box solutions in the areas of Document and Con­ver­sa­tional Intel­li­gence.

Whether it’s pro­ces­sing mobile scans, paper documents or chat messages, our portfolio provides you with pre-con­fi­gured, pre-trained next-gene­ra­tion AI services, available within minutes.

Service Builder

Your use case is not listed? We provide you with all the tools to implement your own AI-based auto­ma­tion service.

With no-code inter­faces, you no longer need to rely on data sci­en­tists or deve­lo­pers to design, train and implement extra­c­tion, clas­si­fi­ca­tion and auto­ma­tion services. Auto­ma­tion has never been easier!


Insiders gives you full control over your processes, whether they are document-based or inter­ac­tion-based. Combine several of our pre-built standard services or add your indi­vi­dual ones. You define how your AI services work together and how they fit into your IT landscape. Start today and acce­le­rate on your way to increased effi­ci­ency, process quality and smarter decisions.


The Insiders Cognitive Auto­ma­tion World offers you a highly inno­va­tive BI solution. At a glance you get all the infor­ma­tion you need: Sta­tis­tics on your current document throughput, pro­ces­sing times or dark pro­ces­sing rates. We provide you with full trans­pa­rency so you can best steer your auto­ma­tion initia­tives and get better – every day.


Insiders Cognitive Auto­ma­tion World inte­grates seam­lessly into your digital ecosystem. For maximum fle­xi­bi­lity, we rely on common industry standards such as REST or OAuth2. Connect any input channel such as mobile devices, third-party cloud services or indi­vi­dual mailboxes. Whether you integrate our services for only one specific step or for the entire process – you choose, we deliver!


Data security is a matter of course for us. All our services can be operated in our ISO-certified data centre in Germany or directly on your premises. Thanks to com­pre­hen­sive security pre­cau­tions, your data is safe at all times, and com­ple­tely so. Com­ple­tely encrypted, it is protected from third-party access. This allows you to focus entirely on auto­ma­tion.

Start today

Sign up and we’ll show you how Insiders Cognitive Auto­ma­tion World can automate your business processes.