Insiders at the e‑invoicing summit

The expert for intel­li­gent invoice pro­ces­sing presents 360 degree invoice manage­ment and uses concrete appli­ca­tion examples to show how the receipt, dispatch and pro­ces­sing of e‑invoices can be easily mastered.

Insiders Tech­no­lo­gies, a leading tech­no­logy provider of Intel­li­gent Auto­ma­tion (IA) software, is taking part in the e‑invoicing summit on October 21 and 22, 2024 in Berlin as a cross-industry expert in automated invoice pro­ces­sing.

The company will be pre­sen­ting its AI-based solutions at the event, demons­t­ra­ting how arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence can make companies‘ e‑invoicing processes faster, more trans­pa­rent and simpler.

Insiders Tech­no­lo­gies‘ intel­li­gent 360-degree invoice manage­ment combines the classic pro­ces­sing of paper and PDF documents with the new formats in national and inter­na­tional e‑invoicing to create an inte­grated solution. As a certified Peppol Access Point, Insiders‘ e‑connect solution offers seamless con­nec­tion to various portals such as Open­Peppol, ZRE and Chorus Pro as well as con­ve­nient mail import. e‑convert then converts all invoice data into the required format for the respec­tive ERP system and prepares it for archiving. In addition, e‑convert converts invoices from any format into an elec­tronic format, making them ready for e‑invoice dispatch.

The con­ve­nient e‑invoice pro solution enables automated pro­ces­sing of all types of invoices – whether paper, PDF or e‑invoice – all in one workflow.

The e‑invoicing summit con­cen­trates on closing the digital gap on the topic of e‑invoicing in a practice-oriented exchange of expe­ri­ence and knowledge between public admi­nis­tra­tion and various companies. The focus of the e‑invoicing summit will include the latest deve­lo­p­ments in e‑invoicing worldwide and its signi­fi­cance for Germany, the current status of the EU e‑invoicing standard EN16931 and the planned imple­men­ta­tion strategy.

Insiders Tech­no­lo­gies is part of the event’s top-class lecture program. In his pre­sen­ta­tion entitled “E‑Invoicing with Insiders: Our expe­ri­ence and best practices for your success”, Dr. Maxi­mi­lian Schwenger, Head of E‑Invoicing Deve­lo­p­ment at Insiders, will present concrete appli­ca­tion examples of how the challenge of e‑invoicing can be mastered. The focus will not only be on the receipt of e‑invoices, which will be mandatory for companies of all sectors and sizes from January 1, 2025, but also on the intel­li­gent pro­ces­sing and simple sending of e‑invoices, which must now also be intro­duced step by step. Par­ti­ci­pants will also learn more about the inno­va­tive AI modules from Insiders Tech­no­lo­gies, such as automated account assign­ment and fraud and anomaly detection, which take e‑invoice pro­ces­sing to a new level.

If you have any further questions, you can also talk to the experts at the Insiders Tech­no­lo­gies stand.