Maximize dark pro­ces­sing in insurance processes with LLM

Nürn­berger Ver­si­che­rung and Insiders show how insurance companies can benefit from LLM and other future-oriented AI tech­no­lo­gies at the Ver­si­che­rungs­foren Leipzig con­fe­rence.

Insiders is taking part in the spe­cia­list con­fe­rence “Dark pro­ces­sing & workflow support in insurance” together with its customer Nürn­berger Ver­si­che­rung. At the Ver­si­che­rungs­foren Leipzig event, the two companies will provide exclusive insights into specific use cases, share ins­truc­tive expe­ri­ences and practical appli­ca­tion examples.


Modern chal­lenges, intel­li­gent answers

Regu­la­tory requi­re­ments and incre­asing digi­ta­liza­tion processes demand inno­va­tive solutions in the insurance industry. Pressure from Ins­urTechs and the growing com­ple­xity of business processes make con­ti­nuous process opti­miza­tion essential. “By combining LLM and proven on-premises systems, we can create a hybrid AI archi­tec­ture that enables maximum effi­ci­ency,” explains Christian Bokelmann, Head of the Insurance business unit at Insiders.

Together with Frank Schlelein, Product Owner Input Manage­ment at Nürn­berger Ver­si­che­rung, Bokelmann will illus­trate in a pre­sen­ta­tion entitled “Intel­li­gent auto­ma­tion in claims pro­ces­sing – from on-prem to LLM and back” how Nürn­berger Ver­si­che­rung was able to signi­fi­cantly increase its dark pro­ces­sing rate by inte­gra­ting modern AI tech­no­lo­gies into existing systems. Using concrete examples from claims pro­ces­sing, the speakers will show how hybrid archi­tec­tures help to minimize the effort required for manual post-pro­ces­sing and ensure the seamless inte­gra­tion of new tech­no­lo­gies.


Equipped for the future

With in-depth expertise and the con­ti­nuous further deve­lo­p­ment of its AI solutions, Insiders delivers decisive added value for insurance companies. “Our solutions are so flexible that they optimally meet both current and future requi­re­ments,” empha­sizes Bokelmann.

The con­fe­rence of Ver­si­che­rungs­foren Leipzig, a partner network of more than 270 insurance companies, primary insurers and reinsu­rers as well as software and con­sul­ting firms in the insurance industry, will take place in Leipzig on February 4 and 5, 2025. It is aimed at spe­cia­lists and managers from IT depart­ments of insurance companies, par­ti­cu­larly in the areas of process manage­ment, enter­prise archi­tec­ture, process auto­ma­tion and digi­ta­liza­tion. Par­ti­ci­pants will gain insights into current deve­lo­p­ments and technical pos­si­bi­li­ties as well as practical reports from various insurance companies.