Trade magazine manage IT reports on new Insiders products

The trade magazine manage IT reports exten­si­vely on the launch of our new products OmnIA, OvAItion and GenerAItor and praises Insiders Tech­no­lo­gies‘ strategic vision and our firm com­mit­ment to customers and partners as we transform into a new era of AI.

Best-of-breed without dis­ad­van­tages

In a detailed article entitled “Best-of-Breed without dis­ad­van­tages: AI and reinven­ting itself”, IT market posi­tio­ning expert Bernd Hoeck describes his impres­sions of the pre­sen­ta­tion of the new product world at our user and partner con­fe­rence on the manage IT portal.

He was com­ple­tely convinced by the new product portfolio. He par­ti­cu­larly empha­sized how Insiders Tech­no­lo­gies enables a simple best-of-breed approach for its customers by opening the Insiders AI OvAItion for AI services and third-party tech­no­lo­gies – such as the well-known LLM from OpenAI. This gives our customers low-risk and efficient access to the latest tech­no­lo­gies and AI inno­va­tions and allows them to benefit directly from the billions invested by manu­fac­tu­rers worldwide. Hoeck concludes that Insiders Tech­no­lo­gies has succeeded in trans­fer­ring an existing product world into the future with a con­vin­cing new product idea and taking its customers and partners with it on the path to the next era of arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence.

Bernd Hoeck

“The new product portfolio from Insiders Tech­no­lo­gies impresses with its triad of future-proof options for AI tech­no­lo­gies, simple gene­ra­tion of AI services via no-code and intel­li­gent process auto­ma­tion. Insiders thus removes one of the biggest hurdles to the concrete use of more AI: uncer­tainty.”

says Bernd Hoeck, freelance jour­na­list and expert for posi­tio­ning in the IT market.