What is the Best LLM? The Latest Insiders Bench­mar­king

With Insiders LLM Bench­mar­king, our AI experts keep a close eye on the LLM landscape, compare the most powerful models, and provide our customers with reliable guidance in the fast-moving world of large language models.
The world of Large Language Models (LLMs) is evolving rapidly. Models like GPT‑4 Turbo, Claude 3.5 Sonnet, and Gemini 1.5 Pro offer enormous potential but vary signi­fi­cantly in their sui­ta­bi­lity for different use cases. In intel­li­gent process auto­ma­tion, LLMs are essential. But how can companies find the right LLM for their specific needs?

The answer lies in Insiders LLM Bench­mar­king. Our AI experts regularly analyze and evaluate the most advanced models on the ever-changing global tech­no­logy market, iden­ti­fying the LLMs best suited for the data-to-process domain.

What Does LLM Bench­mar­king at Insiders Mean? This regular per­for­mance check is based on a spe­cia­lized IDP benchmark that draws from our extensive expe­ri­ence as a leading AI and software company. The stan­dar­dized Insiders test data covers a wide range of typical business processes in the insurance and finance sectors, enabling an objective per­for­mance assess­ment of LLMs.

The test set includes address and name changes, premium invoices, claims reports, SEPA mandates, and medical documents—all critical com­pon­ents of many common business workflows.

Insiders LLM Bench­mar­king is an ongoing process that drives a best-of-breed approach. This allows Insiders to con­ti­nuously track the per­for­mance of the latest LLMs and ensure that customers always leverage the best solution for their needs through flexible LLM inte­gra­tion with the Insiders OvAItion Engine. This ensures that AI is deployed effec­tively and securely within enter­prises.

Discover which LLM is currently the best in the latest Insiders LLM Bench­mar­king – January 2025.