Dec 17, 2021

Say goodbye to manual processes and hello to smart document pro­ces­sing with Insiders Business Solutions. AI-based and automatic, smart FIX captures all incoming documents in one system – regard­less of input channel, format, and structure – and clas­si­fies them based on textual and visual features. Relevant infor­ma­tion is auto­ma­ti­cally extracted, validated and routed to the right business process.

At Insiders, we are con­ti­nuously working on opti­mi­zing our products to ensure the best possible benefits for customers and partners in their daily business. With smart FIX 5 Service Pack 5, you get many new features to enhance our business solutions. Products like the Cognitive Clas­si­fier, the Inte­gra­tion Layer for OCR, smart ACT and the Web Coor­di­nator are available with this service pack.

All addi­tional products at a glance:

  • Cognitive Clas­si­fier: new AI component for holistic analysis of documents with text and images
  • Inte­gra­tion Layer for OCR: connector for better reco­gni­tion quality of machine writing and hand­wri­ting on documents
  • smart ACT: new tool for com­pre­hen­sive per­for­mance mea­su­re­ment and manage­ment of all Insiders products
  • Web Coor­di­nator: new web component with signi­fi­cantly extended func­tion­a­lity

Further features of the new service pack:


  • Exten­sions for Microsoft Graph in email import
  • Microsoft Edge release for Web Verifier and Web Coor­di­nator

You want an overview of all new features or need help with the instal­la­tion? Feel free to request the release notes or arrange a personal meeting.