Deep Learning Drives Cognitive Process Auto­ma­tion to New Heights

Sep 1, 2021

Insiders Tech­no­lo­gies will introduce new process auto­ma­tion capa­bi­li­ties with Deep Learning at a con­fe­rence on intel­li­gent auto­ma­tion.

The „Intel­li­gent Auto­ma­tion World Series“ con­fe­rence is one of the largest events of the Shared Services & Out­sour­cing Network (SSON). 2021 marks the 14th year of this key industry con­fe­rence. During the three-day online con­fe­rence from September 7–9th, experts and users will exchange ideas about new approa­ches in process auto­ma­tion. The SSON has invited Insiders Tech­no­lo­gies, as a tech­no­logy leader for AI-based processes, to give a pre­sen­ta­tion overview of promising new approa­ches in Cognitive Process Auto­ma­tion.

„We live in a world in which ever-faster tech­no­lo­gical changes have created the need to con­ti­nuously scan the market for new business oppor­tu­ni­ties. “

explains Dr. Armin Stahl, Product Manager at Insiders Tech­no­lo­gies. „Par­ti­cu­larly in the area of Cognitive Process Auto­ma­tion, the latest deve­lo­p­ments in AI have paved the way for auto­ma­tion capa­bi­li­ties, which so far we’ve only dreamed of. But how can we make sure you don’t get lost in the jungle of tech­no­lo­gical promises? How do we spot those things that will mate­ria­lize into tangible business value? This is where we want to assist.“

„In our pre­sen­ta­tion, we will show how Deep Learning opens up a whole new level of per­for­mance for OCR, how low-code approa­ches can inspire extra­c­tion, and what inno­va­tion exists in clas­si­fi­ca­tion and platforms,“ explains Christian Bokelmann, Head of Sales at Insiders Tech­no­lo­gies. „We will highlight the potential of new AI tech­ni­ques for process auto­ma­tion and provide useful tips on how to get there.“

The pre­sen­ta­tion – entitled „Exploring Next Level Cognitive Process Auto­ma­tion Powered by Deep Learning – Visions Become Reality“ – will begin as an online event at 4:30 p.m. CET on Tuesday, 7 September 2021. Inte­rested parties can register for free here.