E‑Invoices in your inbox

Whether XInvoice, ZUGFeRD or Swiss QR code – elec­tronic invoices are on the rise both natio­nally and inter­na­tio­nally. With smart INVOICE, different formats and standards can be processed in one solution.

The digi­tiza­tion and auto­ma­tion of pro­cu­re­ment and invoicing processes has pro­gressed even faster than expected over the past 18 months. Paper invoices are clearly on the retreat. More and more invoices are now being sent by e‑mail, and the incre­asing maturity of struc­tured e‑invoice formats such as ZUGFeRD or XRechnung is also moving the digi­tiza­tion of the entire process more and more into the focus of companies and admi­nis­tra­tions.

The advan­tages of digital invoices are obvious: Invoicing and pro­ces­sing become simpler and faster, companies save on postage costs and personnel resources, and above all they protect the envi­ron­ment because less paper is used and transport routes are eli­mi­nated.

In order to make elec­tronic invoice exchange the standard in Germany and also inter­na­tio­nally, the Asso­cia­tion of Elec­tronic Invoicing (VeR) bundles the com­pe­tence and com­pre­hen­sive knowledge of service providers, con­sul­ting companies and other, expe­ri­enced market par­ti­ci­pants. Insiders Tech­no­lo­gies has also been an active member of the asso­cia­tion since last year.

Seam­lessly inte­grated: With Insiders solutions on the pulse of time

With smart INVOICE, all incoming invoice formats and standards such as XInvoice, ZUGFeRD, Swiss QR code and other inter­na­tional e‑invoices can be processed on one platform – regard­less of whether the invoices are received by e‑mail or collected from an e‑invoice portal.

The contents are read out and the relevant infor­ma­tion is auto­ma­ti­cally trans­ferred to the respec­tive ERP system. For con­ve­nient pro­ces­sing, the machine-readable document is also displayed in a clear visua­liza­tion. With appro­priate workflow solutions, the sub­se­quent work steps such as checking and approval can then be mapped digitally and auto­ma­ti­cally in the ERP system.

Expe­ri­ence now

Attend our free webinar and see how you can easily and quickly process dif­fer­ently struc­tured, elec­tronic invoice formats with an AI-based solution for invoice receipt.

Seam­lessly inte­grated: E‑invoices in your inbox

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