Optimal Systems and Insiders at DSAG Partner Day

Optimal Systems and Insiders at DSAG Partner Day

Optimal Systems and Insiders at DSAG Partner Day Efficient receipt and dispatch of e‑invoices, automated invoice pro­ces­sing and con­nec­tion to SAP. Insiders and Optimal Systems make joint customers e‑invoice ready. Insiders Tech­no­lo­gies, a leading tech­no­logy...
Insiders & Fraun­hofer IESE: New Capstone Project Launched

Insiders & Fraun­hofer IESE: New Capstone Project Launched

Insiders & Fraun­hofer IESE: New Capstone Project Launched Insiders continues its long-standing col­la­bo­ra­tion with Fraun­hofer IESE by launching a new student project, giving Master’s students hands-on expe­ri­ence in the workings of a modern AI company. With...
e‑invoicing obli­ga­tion – data & facts

e‑invoicing obli­ga­tion – data & facts

e‑invoicing obli­ga­tion – data & facts From January 1st 2025, companies in the B2B sector will have to implement new requi­re­ments for their invoices. We have sum­ma­rized for you what the e‑invoicing obli­ga­tion means in concrete terms. Right up front: with...
Insiders at the e‑invoicing summit

Insiders at the e‑invoicing summit

Insiders at the e‑invoicing summit The stan­dar­dised pro­ces­sing of invoices regard­less of the invoice format with Insiders 360° Invoice Manage­ment relieves companies of the com­ple­xity of inter­na­tional e‑invoice formats. Insiders Tech­no­lo­gies is taking part...