AI-based reco­gni­tion of insurance divisions

Feb 1, 2022

The 3rd spe­cia­list con­fe­rence of the Ver­si­che­rungs­foren Leipzig deals with touchless pro­ces­sing and workflow support in insurance companies. The project partners will jointly report there on the automatic assign­ment of incoming mail to the relevant line of business.

Together with our customer Signal Iduna, we will be reporting on the automated reco­gni­tion of divisions using AI and machine learning at the „Dun­kel­ver­ar­bei­tung und Work­flow­un­ter­stüt­zung in Ver­si­che­rungen“ con­fe­rence.

Jens Clasen, Product Owner smart FIX at Signal Iduna, and Christian Bokelmann, Aut­ho­rized Signatory and Head of Key Account Manage­ment at Insiders Tech­no­lo­gies, present a joint project on the pre­sorting of incoming documents – letters, faxes and e‑mails – at the insurance group under the title „Automated Class Reco­gni­tion in Input Manage­ment at Signal Iduna with AI“. Until now, these documents were sorted manually into the various insurance lines, totaling 27, and then processed in input manage­ment. The resulting high workload was to be signi­fi­cantly reduced by incre­asing the auto­ma­tion of this process.

As part of the intro­duc­tion of smart FIX, the Insiders solution for pro­ces­sing incoming mail, the first step at Signal Iduna was to train automated reco­gni­tion of insurance lines. The latest deep-learning tech­no­lo­gies auto­ma­ti­cally recognize the relevance for the company’s 27 insurance lines, inde­pen­dent of the incoming channel, format and structure, and assign the incoming document to a line. After only a short training phase, the new solution was able to correctly assign more than three quarters of the documents without any manual inter­ven­tion. With this auto­ma­tion, Signal Iduna was able to dra­sti­cally reduce the manual effort required for line-of-business reco­gni­tion while signi­fi­cantly incre­asing pro­ces­sing speed.

„Insurance companies receive a flood of mail every day through a variety of com­mu­ni­ca­tion channels.“

Christian Bokelmann explains. „Our joint project with Signal Iduna shows how effective the automatic reco­gni­tion of insurance lines and pre-sorting of incoming documents alone can be, and how much time and effort this saves. I’m looking forward to pre­sen­ting this project together with Jens Clasen at the con­fe­rence.“

On February 8 and 9, 2022, the digital event of Ver­si­che­rungs­foren Leipzig GmbH, a partner network of more than 250 companies from the insurance industry, insurers and reinsu­rers, as well as software and con­sul­ting firms in the insurance sector, will shed light on the technical pos­si­bi­li­ties and pro­fes­sional requi­re­ments for fully and semi-automated processes. It is aimed at spe­cia­lists and managers from the IT depart­ments of insurance companies, espe­ci­ally in the areas of process manage­ment, enter­prise archi­tec­ture, process auto­ma­tion, ope­ra­tional orga­niza­tion, IT archi­tec­ture, and requi­re­ments manage­ment.

The pre­sen­ta­tion by Signal Iduna and Insiders Tech­no­lo­gies will be held virtually on Tuesday, February 8, 2022, 2:10 pm to 2:45 pm.