Meet Us! Insiders bei der CCW 2023

As an industry expert for AI-supported process auto­ma­tion, Insiders will be at this year’s Call Center World 2023. From February 28 to March 2, we will present intel­li­gent solutions for response manage­ment, omni-channel and con­ver­sa­tional AI – the next level in inno­va­tive customer com­mu­ni­ca­tion, made by Insiders.

The optimal customer expe­ri­ence is the focus of our expert pre­sen­ta­tion on March 1 at 4:30 p.m. entitled „Next Level Customer Com­mu­ni­ca­tion – Multi-Channel or Omni-Channel? AI or human? It’s the customer expe­ri­ence that counts“.

Here we present our AI-based product range for state-of-the-art customer com­mu­ni­ca­tion, from response manage­ment to smart­phone apps and mobile services to con­ver­sa­tional AI with chatbots as well as customer service manage­ment.

In the spotlight are smart FLOW und smart BOT.

As an omni-channel solution for response manage­ment, smart FLOW enables lightning-fast and effort­less com­mu­ni­ca­tion in real time across all relevant channels – via email, SMS, chat, WhatsApp or social media. Depending on the content, smart FLOW responds to customers auto­ma­ti­cally on its own or forwards the cor­re­spon­dence to the appro­priate service staff in a targeted manner.

smart BOT allows intel­li­gent auto­ma­tion of all requests via chat or messenger channels in self-service. If a request cannot be answered auto­ma­ti­cally, smart BOT imme­dia­tely sends it to a service employee.

“AI support relieves service staff of routine tasks and provides them with optimal support. This enables our customers to achieve unpre­ce­dented effi­ci­ency. At the same time, customers expe­ri­ence high speed and quality in service thanks to AI-based auto­ma­tion. That’s what we call next level customer com­mu­ni­ca­tion,“

Christian Bokelmann, direct sales manager at Insiders Tech­no­lo­gies.


All this is made possible by our advanced Insiders AI called Ovation. Driven by state-of-the-art Cognitive Clas­si­fi­ca­tion and Extra­c­tion processes, it is the engine for intel­li­gently automated customer com­mu­ni­ca­tion. From simple paper documents to complex customer messages with images: Ovation under­stands the cus­to­mer’s exact concerns and reco­gnizes all relevant data and infor­ma­tion – regard­less of volume, format or structure. Thanks to Con­ver­sa­tional Intel­li­gence, Ovation can not only under­stand requests, but also answer them indi­vi­du­ally and inde­pendently. Many business processes in customer service can thus be partially or fully automated.

CCW-Visitors can also get up close and personal with Ovation and our AI-based solutions during several short pre­sen­ta­tions and live demons­tra­tions at the TeleTalk demo forum from February 28 to March 02.

For indi­vi­dual con­sul­ta­tions, visit us in Hall 3 at Booth E1. We look forward to providing a deeper insight into our products for Next Level Customer Com­mu­ni­ca­tion.


By the way, customers of Insiders and inte­rested parties have the pos­si­bi­lity to visit the fair for free with a guest ticket.