Münchener Verein relies on Insiders Mobile Appli­ca­tions

With its new service app, private health insurer Münchener Verein creates customer proximity and improves com­mu­ni­ca­tion. Intuitive self-services and fast digital feedback delight customers.

Insiders has provided the basis for the suc­cessful imple­men­ta­tion of the app-first strategy for digital customer care at Münchener Verein. The new MV Ser­viceApp builds on Insiders‘ modular Mobile Appli­ca­tions, which offer pre-built typical use cases from the insurance industry and allow for easy cus­to­miza­tion of indi­vi­dual apps.

Münchener Verein’s customer service is among the best in the industry. However, customer demands are incre­asing, and the insurer is faced with the challenge of satis­fying existing analog customers as well as demands from digital natives.

When it decided on an app-first strategy, the company deli­bera­tely steered away from an elaborate in-house app deve­lo­p­ment and decided to purchase a ready-made product that could be inde­pendently expanded and deliver new func­tion­a­lity. The decision was quickly made in favor of Insiders and their Mobile Appli­ca­tions.

Delighting customers with digital service

Based on the smart CONTRACTS module, the digital contract overview provides all the infor­ma­tion on current insurance contracts. Using the self-service functions of the smart SERVICES module, customers can easily view and, if necessary, change their data.

The option of digitally capturing and sub­mit­ting receipts with smart CAPTURE is used par­ti­cu­larly fre­quently. Invoices, pre­scrip­tions, treatment and cost plans, and other receipts are simply pho­to­gra­phed with the app and submitted digitally. This saves customers from having to send bills by mail and gets their out-of-pocket expenses reim­bursed faster. The app also provides a history of sub­mis­sions.

With smart INFO, a digital mailbox has been created that can bundle all messages and cor­re­spon­dence. In addition to service invoices, all other infor­ma­tion, documents and messages can be delivered and managed digitally. Robust end-to-end encryp­tion ensures the delivery and mailbox are extremely secure.

Currently, around 33,000 poli­cy­hol­ders use the app to com­mu­ni­cate with customer service – and the number is rising sharply. Customers are delighted with the new service app – espe­ci­ally the fast digital feedback – and give it excellent ratings.

„We have been watching the market closely. Mobile apps are an excellent basis for imple­men­ting appealing service apps in the insurance industry.“,

says Dr. Marcus Kaiser, Infor­ma­tion Technology/Business Services at Münchener Verein. In insurance customer service, an app offers enormous advan­tages and is very much welcomed by customers. It creates proximity and faci­li­tates com­mu­ni­ca­tion.

A win-win situation for all involved

The user-friendly MV Ser­viceApp now bundles customers‘ inter­ac­tion with their health insurance on their mobile devices and delivers them a com­pre­hen­sive range of services. The tra­di­tional Munich-based insurer is committed to under­li­ning the strategic importance of digital customer com­mu­ni­ca­tion and incre­asing customer satis­fac­tion. Moving forwards, improving the service offering will go hand in hand with creating internal effi­ci­ency gains and savings, and the MV Ser­viceApp provides benefits in those two respects.