Acce­le­rate Business

In the Insiders partner portal, we provide our sales and imple­men­ta­tion partners with valuable, com­pre­hen­sive infor­ma­tion and tools to support them in their acqui­si­tion processes and projects.

become a partner

Partner Portal

In the Insiders partner portal, we provide our sales and imple­men­ta­tion partners with valuable, com­pre­hen­sive infor­ma­tion and tools to support them in their acqui­si­tion processes and projects.

Achieving goals together

The focus of a part­ner­ship is always on the customer, but just as important is the strength of the network. Sales and imple­men­ta­tion part­ner­ships leverage and increase the value of our software products and cloud services for end customers, incre­asing our joint market and business potential.

Our partners com­ple­ment their solution port­fo­lios with inno­va­tive products and services from Insiders. In doing so, they offer their customers a wide range of tailored services and solutions based on indi­vi­dual needs and requi­re­ments, which clearly dif­fe­ren­tiates them from the com­pe­ti­tion.

We are happy to broker contacts within our network to support col­la­bo­ra­tion and synergies between different partners. This exchange of expe­ri­ence, specific com­pe­ten­cies and personal contacts becomes the bedrock for suc­cessful part­ner­ships – a win-win situation for everyone!

Market-leading Solutions

Via VAR, OEM and BPO part­ner­ships with Insiders, our business partners offer complete end-to-end solutions to their customers. Why not let your customers benefit from these solutions, too!

Highest Customer Satis­fac­tion

More than 5.000 satisfied customers from all indus­tries across the five con­ti­nents demons­trate our partner program’s success. These customers benefit from our inno­va­tive AI-based products and solutions for business process auto­ma­tion.

Strong partner network

The Insiders partner community is growing – with each indi­vi­dual partner playing a unique role within it, this has been a real positive in streng­thening the network.

Be a part of it

Become an Insiders partner and grow your business with us! Benefit from our estab­lished partner program, which provides your business with targeted and con­sis­tent daily support.



A high degree of product stan­dar­diza­tion with powerful out-of-the-box func­tion­a­lity provides the basis for shorter project duration times, minimizes project risk, and offers sca­la­bi­lity for our business partners



Talk to experts, exchange ideas and benefit from the knowledge within the network


Need help? We can support you in winning new customers, with our broad range of products and services, in a way that works for you



Intuitive user inter­faces and the entire dialogue control provides numerous func­tion­a­li­ties for both powerful and efficient system cus­to­miza­tion


Our partner support offers com­pre­hen­sive assis­tance for all technical or func­tional questions and topics related to our product portfolio – to support your business projects


We can offer you a stan­dar­dized training and qua­li­fi­ca­tion programme, including cer­ti­fi­ca­tion for your employees, which can be combined with indi­vi­dual workshops tailored to your specific needs

„For over 25 years, we have been deve­lo­ping cutting-edge AI tech­no­logy to create real added value for our inter­na­tional customers. Our network of selected partners is made up of spe­cia­lists in the intel­li­gent auto­ma­tion of a wide range of business processes and is a key driver of current market requi­re­ments.“

Dr. Alexander Swienty

Head of Channel Manage­ment


When it comes to clas­si­fying and pro­ces­sing documents, ALPHA COM is the BPO service provider
of choice for many customers from a wide range of indus­tries. The Insiders solutions smart INVOICE
and smart FIX ensure reliably high quality, fle­xi­bi­lity, security, and, above all, speed. Carefully trained
and self-learning AI is the key to suc­cessful process auto­ma­tion.


When it comes to large and complex con­s­truc­tion projects, Josef Gartner GmbH is one of the top addresses worldwide for high-quality building envelopes. Read how Josef Gartner GmbH, with the help of our partner One Unity, imports incoming invoices into their SAP via AI text reco­gni­tion, automates them and thus achieves a high increase in effi­ci­ency, maximum trans­pa­rency, savings in personnel capacity and important synergies.

pds opens up arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence for trades & con­s­truc­tion

The degree of digi­ta­liza­tion is becoming a signi­fi­cant com­pe­ti­tive factor for busi­nesses in the con­s­truc­tion trade. With the inte­gra­tion of smart INVOICE into its ERP solution, pds GmbH can now share the advan­tages of AI-based process auto­ma­tion with its customers in the con­s­truc­tion trade, allowing them to clearly dif­fe­ren­tiate them­selves from the com­pe­ti­tion. The fully automated pro­ces­sing of accounts payable documents supports pds customers by deli­ve­ring signi­fi­cant effi­ci­ency and annual cash discount gains.

Per­for­mance and effi­ci­ency in ordering

More and more orders in less and less time – Häcker Küchen GmbH & Co. KG has suc­cessfully met this challenge together with our partner bpi solutions (GmbH & Co. KG). With the help of smart ORDER, reliable infor­ma­tion for the further pro­ces­sing of orders is auto­ma­ti­cally obtained from paper, fax and e‑mail orders.

Digital invoice pro­ces­sing

Chicco di caffè, Company for Coffee Services Ltd., based in Munich, is a leading provider of specialty coffee bars. Chicco di caffè has fully digitized and automated its entire invoice receipt and approval process with „InfoShare“ from Insider partner KENDOX AG. For data extra­c­tion and vali­da­tion, „InfoShare“ uses Insiders‘ AI-based document reco­gni­tion tech­no­logy.

Create your own service

Build your own process auto­ma­tion services with our smart tech­no­lo­gies and features. Our all-in-one platform gives you all the building blocks you need for a scalable product.

Invoicing process inte­grated in SAP

Zellstoff Pöls AG, one of the largest manu­fac­tu­rers of elemental chlorine-free bleached long fiber sulfate pulp in Central and Eastern Europe, has opted for the invoice receipt and DMS solution from free-com. The overall solution not only acce­le­rates the pro­ces­sing of incoming invoices at Zellstoff Pöls, but also creates trans­pa­rency in the release of invoices in SAP.

Fromm + Rasch relies on XimantiX

The printing and publi­shing company Fromm + Rasch has decided to map the entire invoice process – from receipt to posting – using the inte­grated and automated solution from XimantiX. The core of the solution is the future-oriented product smart INVOICE from Insiders.


Through a strong part­ner­ship, Insiders and One Unity thus offer their end customers software solutions of the highest quality, fair and trans­pa­rent costs, low initial invest­ments and a short-term imple­men­ta­tion.

Effi­ci­ency through modern document manage­ment

Effi­ci­ency and trans­pa­rency through state-of-the-art process auto­ma­tion for thousands of incoming invoices – that’s what Rieker wanted. Our Swiss partner Graphax AG fulfilled this wish in com­bi­na­tion with the AI-based software smart INVOICE and the document manage­ment system from M‑Files.