New Service Pack 6 smart FIX 5

Jun 22, 2022

It is our ambition to be and remain a tech­no­lo­gical leader. Therefore, we are con­ti­nuously working on the further deve­lo­p­ment and impro­ve­ment of our products which reflects in regular service and release upgrades.

This holds also true for the latest smart FIX 5 Service Pack 6. smart FIX is the Insiders standard product for the auto­ma­tion of your general mailroom. Regard­less of the inbound channel or format in which content enters your orga­niza­tion – smart FIX cate­go­rizes, extracts and validates it AI-based and automated.

Flexible adapt­a­tion of the Cognitive Clas­si­fier to your needs, a new component in the con­ver­sion of elec­tronic documents or com­for­table exten­sions in the usability of the Web Coor­di­nator are just a few of the many novelties that can be used with this service pack.

You want an overview of all new features or need help with the instal­la­tion? Feel free to ask us for the release notes or arrange a personal meeting.