thys­sen­krupp & Insiders live at SSO Week Europe 2022

Jun 15, 2022

At SSO Digital Week Europe 2022 we will present together with our customer thys­sen­krupp Materials Services how we transform inter­na­tional order pro­ces­sing with Arti­fi­cial Intel­li­gence.

thys­sen­krupp Materials Services is the largest inde­pen­dent materials trader and service provider in the western world. It focuses on the supply of raw materials and products and services related to materials and supply chain manage­ment. The company’s Digital Tech­no­logy Office focuses on digi­ta­liza­tion as a business strategy, imple­men­ting customer-centric solutions in day-to-day ope­ra­tions, and on being a pioneer in an ever-changing industry envi­ron­ment. In 2018, the company began its ambitious journey to transform a core element of any company’s success: sales. The right business partner was quickly found in Insiders Tech­no­lo­gies, the leading experts in intel­li­gent input manage­ment – and together, we formed a strong inno­va­tion part­ner­ship.

In a pre­sen­ta­tion entitled „Forging customer cen­tri­city in sales – A case study on Intel­li­gent Document Pro­ces­sing @ thys­sen­krupp Materials Services“, Dr.-Ing. Arne Conrad, Head of Process Auto­ma­tion Hub at thys­sen­krupp Materials Services, and Jana Wen­den­burg, Business Deve­lo­p­ment Manager at Insiders Tech­no­lo­gies, report on how the company uses Arti­fi­cial Intel­li­gence to transform its inter­na­tional order pro­ces­sing. We describe how a small pilot project in order pro­ces­sing with smart ORDER was quickly expanded into a global solution and formed the starting point for a series of inno­va­tive solutions around intel­li­gent input manage­ment. In our pre­sen­ta­tion, we discuss the hurdles the project team had to overcome, the successes they were able to celebrate, and their plans for the future.

The digital con­fe­rence SSO Digital Week Europe will take place from June 21–23rd, 2022. The pre­sen­ta­tion by thys­sen­krupp Materials Services and Insiders Tech­no­lo­gies is scheduled for Tuesday, June 21st, 11:30 a.m. CET. Par­ti­ci­pa­tion in the event is free of charge, and inte­rested parties can register in advance.