On 27.04.2023 we offer you as smart INVOICE users and interested parties a platform for mutual exchange.
Efficient Purchase-to-Pay (P2P) processes are the basis for every competitive company. At the same time, there is a high level of complexity and a high proportion of manual process steps here in particular, which often leads to weaknesses. Insiders solutions around the P2P process address exactly these problems with the help of AI-based data acquisition as well as targeted matching of relevant data such as order, delivery or item master.
In the course of the INVOICE user forum, we will present our latest plans for the improvement and further development of smart INVOICE. Take the opportunity to exchange ideas and network with other users! Exciting discussions and interesting presentations await you. Learn first-hand about the potential of our Invoice solution.
Get an overview of the possibilities to optimize specific parts of your P2P processes – up to the entire process.