The Highway to Hyper­au­to­ma­tion: AI and IA at the inco partner 2023

At inco partner 2023, the Insiders partner con­fe­rence, the famous Fritz Walter Stadium showed a whole new side. Where otherwise enthu­si­a­stic soccer fans flock to the “Nordhalle”, the epicenter of Kaiserslautern’s fan­cul­ture, the „Insiders Arena“ opened its doors to the Insiders partners on June 14 and filled them also with enthu­siasm – for state-of-the-art, AI-based solutions for the auto­ma­tion of a wide variety of processes.

Insiders CEO Werner Weiss and Dr. Alexander Swienty, new Head of Channel Manage­ment, high­lighted which topics will influence and change the auto­ma­tion of processes in the coming years – and how important it is to accept these changes and be prepared for them. After all, the „Welcome Change“ mindset has always been part of the DNA of the inno­va­tive and future-driven AI-company. Together, Insiders and their partners discussed the oncoming chal­lenges in the market and the best possible stra­te­gies for dealing with them. Swienty sees this approach as „inno­va­tion in dialogue.“ and Weiss added that this is not about chasing every trend, but about being able to automate customers‘ business processes with the tech­no­logy best suited to the respec­tive use case.

In two inspiring keynotes, high-tech industry expert Dieter Weißhaar and Pascal Bornet, world-renowned pioneer in Intel­li­gent Auto­ma­tion, demons­trated the oppor­tu­ni­ties of intel­li­gent process auto­ma­tion. Weißhaar pointed out trends in the enter­prise software market and empha­sized that the end-to-end digi­tiza­tion of processes must be followed by their auto­ma­tion. Bornet, brought in directly from Silicon Valley, broadened the scope and, by using com­pel­ling everyday examples, showed how intel­li­gent auto­ma­tion – in Bornet’s opinion one of the most powerful trends of the decade – can drive business forward and make the world a better place to live in.

The various workshops and breakout sessions, which the par­ti­ci­pants could explore indi­vi­du­ally in the Insiders Arena, invited them to learn about and exchange ideas on current chal­lenges regarding the auto­ma­tion of processes and possible solutions. The focus was on topics such as e‑billing, inno­va­tions in the P2P sector, gene­ra­tive AI, automated com­mu­ni­ca­tion and cloud services.

In his intro­duc­tion to the „Cognitive Auto­ma­tion World“, the „ecosystem of the future“, Alexander Swienty gave an exclusive preview of future offerings. In addition to industry-specific pre-trained cloud services, distinct services that,  in line with the low-code/no-code platform concept, can be created by users without pro­gramming knowledge will be made available. In this way, customer requi­re­ments can be imple­mented with just a few clicks – always available, flexibly usable and inde­pen­dent of personnel resources with expert knowledge: „If you can think it, we can automate it.“

This „Passion for Intel­li­gent Auto­ma­tion” was shared by the par­ti­ci­pants who praised the open, flexible concept of the Insiders Arena.

„What I’m really excited about at this year’s inco partner is the open format that makes it very easy to get in direct contact and exchange ideas with the speakers or workshop leaders and other partners during the workshops and breakout sessions.“, explains Jörn Borgstädt of NTT DATA Business Solutions AG.


Muhammed Al-Khoutani of free-com solutions GmbH based in Vienna commented: „It’s always exciting to see the deve­lo­p­ments, the product roadmap and new tech­no­lo­gical trends, and also where the joint journey is heading overall. Plus the exchange in both direc­tions from us as partners to Insiders and vice versa. That’s important for us and important for our customers.“

And Serafin Bäbler from SPS Switz­er­land AG, adds: „At the event today, we really app­re­ciate that we get first-hand infor­ma­tion and look forward to ever­y­thing else to come from Insiders.“


The two keynote speakers Pascal Bornet and Dieter Weißhaar shared the positive impres­sions about inco partner 202.

„It’s a great dynamic here, I can literally feel the energy of the par­ti­ci­pants,“ says Bornet happily. „Intel­li­gent Auto­ma­tion is about con­nec­ting different tech­no­lo­gies in a way that automates end-to-end enter­prise business processes. Insiders is already working to implement the various tech­no­logy capa­bi­li­ties that enable auto­ma­tion.“

Keynote speaker Dr. Dieter Weißhaar has a very similar view: „Great spirit, extremely good energy on the topic of digi­ta­liza­tion of business processes and auto­ma­tion with AI. I met an incre­dible number of top experts from Insiders here, who offer excellent customer-oriented solutions. I believe that Insiders is well equipped for the future on the path they are on.“


Both Bornet and Weißhaar made it clear that Insiders Tech­no­lo­gies has all the pre­re­qui­sites to be able to scale the auto­ma­tion of business processes. They are convinced that by creating an ecosystem of different tech­no­lo­gies that interlock and com­ple­ment each other, Insiders, will clear the way to hyper­au­to­ma­tion, the next step in process auto­ma­tion.