The Future of Intel­li­gent Auto­ma­tion: GenerAItor, OvAItion, and OmnIA

With three new products, Insiders presents a best-of-breed approach to LLMs and sets a new standard for sim­pli­fied inte­gra­tion and orchestra­tion of advanced intel­li­gent auto­ma­tion com­pon­ents. The powerful com­bi­na­tion of various Insiders AI tech­no­lo­gies opens up new appli­ca­tion areas for intel­li­gent process opti­miza­tion, show­ca­sing the potential for AI-driven effi­ci­ency gains in business.

With the launch of three new products, Insiders Tech­no­lo­gies, a tech­no­logy leader in Intel­li­gent Auto­ma­tion (IA) software, offers its clients a new level of intel­li­gent process auto­ma­tion. With the low-code tool GenerAItor, the best-of-breed AI tech­no­logy OvAItion, and the new intel­li­gent auto­ma­tion platform OmnIA, users from nearly all indus­tries can quickly and easily create new AI services. This approach enables them to utilize the most advanced tech­no­lo­gies at any time, seam­lessly inte­gra­ting intel­li­gent auto­ma­tion services into their existing processes and systems.

Customers benefit from easier and lower-risk access to cutting-edge AI inno­va­tions, achieving signi­fi­cantly higher auto­ma­tion rates in pro­ces­sing unstruc­tured information—essential for modern customer service and supplier rela­ti­onships.


OvAItion: Use the Best AI Tech­no­lo­gies Out of the Box

Insiders responds to the abundance of con­stantly evolving and improved LLMs and other AI tech­no­lo­gies by opening its own Insiders AI to third-party tech­no­lo­gies.

In addition to Insiders‘ own proven solutions, such as a private LLM, customers have access to fully inte­grated AI services alongside OvAItion, including GPT-4o (OpenAI), Claude Sonnet (Anthropic), Azure AI (Microsoft), and Gemini (Google AI). Depending on the use case and the unique strengths of each LLM, users can, for example, classify documents and extract infor­ma­tion without training, signi­fi­cantly increase dark pro­ces­sing rates with optimal data quality through green voting, and quickly create efficient, privacy-compliant clas­si­fi­ca­tion services. Insiders also con­ti­nuously evaluates new versions and providers with an eye on various appli­ca­tion scenarios.

Insiders customers no longer need to worry about choosing a specific tech­no­logy or provider in the rapidly evolving AI market. With OvAItion, they can trust that they are always using best-of-breed AI tech­no­lo­gies. Insiders’ AI experts con­ti­nuously monitor deve­lo­p­ments, inte­gra­ting only the best, most reliable, and secure AI tech­no­lo­gies into OvAItion. This approach enables customers to benefit from future inno­va­tions while safe­guar­ding their invest­ments in inte­gra­tion and processes.


GenerAItor: Create AI Services in no time and without Coding

With GenerAItor, Insiders intro­duces a user-friendly tool that allows AI services to be created easily and without IT expertise using a low-code approach. The full range of OvAItion tech­no­lo­gies (including selected LLMs) is available, achieving high reco­gni­tion rates with minimal training effort. In addition to fully cus­to­mized auto­ma­tion services, customers can also access a growing catalog of pre-trained, optimized AI services through the Insiders Mar­ket­place. These services are ready to use out of the box but can also be tailored to indi­vi­dual needs.

With GenerAItor’s easy-to-design, fully cus­to­mized auto­ma­tion services combined with the perfected standard services from the Insiders Mar­ket­place, customers always have the right intel­li­gent auto­ma­tion solution at their at their disposal, for a wide range of infor­ma­tion-driven business processes across all indus­tries.


OmnIA: Orchest­rate Pro­duc­tion with Maximum Sca­la­bi­lity

The new OmnIA platform for Intel­li­gent Auto­ma­tion enables seamless inte­gra­tion of AI services into customers’ processes and systems. It allows for the con­fi­gu­ra­tion and orchestra­tion of services and processes, perfectly incor­po­ra­ting employees for result veri­fi­ca­tion when needed. The proven human-in-the-loop principle, combined with the latest best-of-breed AI tech­no­logy, ensures con­sis­t­ently high data quality. Addi­tional tools for business intel­li­gence and analytics provide a valuable foun­da­tion for the con­ti­nuous impro­ve­ment of processes and tech­no­logy usage, driving ongoing success for Insiders‘ customers.


Next-Gene­ra­tion Auto­ma­tion Services

The new products represent a con­sis­tent advance­ment of the proven smart product portfolio. The smart products have already been tran­si­tioned into the new product ecosystem and will be gradually replaced by it. This ensures an easy migration to the new product suite for customers and partners as part of regular product main­ten­ance.

„AI is currently expe­ri­en­cing tre­men­dous tech­no­lo­gical leaps and inno­va­tion surges. With our new products, our customers can imme­dia­tely benefit from these advance­ments without having to invest signi­fi­cant effort in eva­lua­tion, design, or inte­gra­tion. They’ll find the best available tech­no­lo­gies seam­lessly inte­grated into our proven platform. This boosts our customers‘ agility while ensuring the highest levels of security and data privacy com­pli­ance,“

explains Christian Bokelmann, Aut­ho­rized Officer and Head of the Intel­li­gent Auto­ma­tion Business Unit at Insiders Tech­no­lo­gies.