Jun 10, 2021

Are travel expenses a signi­fi­cant cost factor in your company? Is the accoun­ting of receipts a costly and time-consuming process for you? Then it’s time to consider a switch – to mobile capture and automated pro­ces­sing.

The sett­le­ment of business trip expenses is a time-consuming and cost-intensive process for employees and companies. Hotel bills, cab or fuel receipts, enter­tain­ment vouchers, etc. are often only collected, submitted and settled after the business trip as a whole, or at the end of the month.

The expenses process offers enormous savings potential via auto­ma­tion, that can be easily over­looked, as it is sometimes seen as being beyond anyone’s control. Insiders offers you the ideal solution – the com­bi­na­tion of our market-proven products smart CAPTURE and smart INVOICE – to optimize the entire process from document capture to pro­ces­sing and invoicing.

„Process travel expenses time- and cost-effi­ci­ently. Mobile and fast, simple and con­ve­nient. With our intel­li­gent solution for capturing and pro­ces­sing receipts, you can automate your travel expense reporting processes.“

With smart CAPTURE, your employees can record and submit receipts while they are still on the road. Using their smart­phone or tablet, it’s simple, fast, and inde­pen­dent of time or location – the sett­le­ment is also triggered directly. This means the time-consuming processes for sorting, assigning and recording are eli­mi­nated.

After trans­mis­sion, the documents are processed auto­ma­ti­cally – with smart INVOICE. The intel­li­gent invoice reader extracts the relevant infor­ma­tion from the documents – so all billing-relevant data is available in the shortest possible time, in the form required for the process – in accordance with tax requi­re­ments.

Your company not only benefits from huge cost and time savings, but also from improved effi­ci­ency and trans­pa­rency throug­hout the entire process.
With the Insiders products smart CAPTURE and smart INVOICE, travel expense reporting today is now mobile, fast, simple, and con­ve­nient!