Expe­ri­ence next gene­ra­tion Ai services


Cognitive Auto­ma­tion World

The Cognitive Auto­ma­tion World offers you a com­pre­hen­sive toolkit of intel­li­gent auto­ma­tion services. Benefit from the most reliable, scalable and pro­fi­table AI and tech­no­lo­gies that we are con­ti­nuously deve­lo­ping – for already more than 25 years.

Take advantage of our range of market-proven AI services that can be found on the Insiders Mar­ket­place or build your own service with the Insiders GenerAItor. Either way, your processes will become more efficient, more robust, and faster – that’s how intel­li­gent auto­ma­tion with AI works today.

The Mar­ket­place

Benefit from decades of expe­ri­ence – The Insiders Mar­ket­place offers you the entire Insiders portfolio of services for intel­li­gent auto­ma­tion. Powered by cutting-edge AI and extensive industry expertise, the services come pre-trained and ready-to-use. Hosted in the Insiders Cloud and they can be easily accessed.
Let’s put an end to tedious IT projects that devour time, resources and costs and make intel­li­gent auto­ma­tion as easy as it should be with us!

The GenerAItor

You want to automate a business process and there‘s no suitable solution in sight? Or your use case does not justify an extensive IT project? With the GenerAItor we put you in the driver’s seat of Intel­li­gent Auto­ma­tion.

Low-code inter­faces and intuitive user guidance allow anybody to become an auto­ma­tion expert. And the best: you will be equipped with a massive tech­no­logy stack to reach out­stan­ding auto­ma­tion rates.

We empower you to do what you do best, even better.


Free-form orders arriving as e‑mails or documents meant con­siderable manual effort for thys­sen­krupp Materials Services. Modern AI tech­no­lo­gies have signi­fi­cantly acce­le­rated order accep­tance through intel­li­gent document reading and pro­ces­sing. A signi­fi­cant pro­por­tion of enquiries and orders received via email in the future will be processed auto­ma­ti­cally. This auto­ma­tion creates greater customer satis­fac­tion and the potential for more indi­vi­dual customer support time within sales.

BASF automates global P2P process in the cloud

BASF shortens pro­ces­sing time for 3.5 million incoming invoices p.a. by 50 percent and reduces effort by 40 FTE with state-of-the-art AI and highly scalable cloud services. Cloud service and agile project approach enable the con­ver­sion of over 300 company codes worldwide in just a few weeks. smart INVOICE excels in detailed document reading, excellent data quality, deep vali­da­tion, and low main­ten­ance effort.

If you can think it, we can automate it.