Our Customers
We are trusted by 5.000+ customers worldwide

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Suc­cessful Coope­ra­tion

More than 5.000 satisfied customers confirm the suc­cessful coope­ra­tion and the requi­re­ment-oriented use of our products and solutions in companies of almost all indus­tries.

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„The strength of Insiders lies in the com­bi­na­tion of a solid platform, which is con­ti­nuously evolving, and excellent con­sul­ting that proac­tively showcases new pos­si­bi­li­ties of AI.“

Carsten Dickau

IDEAL Ver­si­che­rungs­gruppe

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Wenn es um die Klas­si­fi­zie­rung und Wei­ter­ver­ar­bei­tung von Doku­menten geht, ist ALPHA COM für eine Vielzahl von Kunden unter­schied­lichster Branchen der BPO-Dienst­leister der Wahl. Die Insiders-Lösungen smart INVOICE und smart FIX sorgen für zuver­lässig hohe Qualität, Fle­xi­bi­lität, Sicher­heit und vor allem Geschwin­dig­keit. Sorg­fältig trai­nierte und selbst­ler­nende KI ist dabei der Schlüssel für eine erfolg­reiche Pro­zess­au­to­ma­ti­sie­rung.


The service centre in the B2B payment sector Markant creates the right solution for more than 200 companies with around six million receipts a year the right solution for pro­ces­sing receipts. smart INVOICE offers excellent con­di­tions for this: Fle­xi­bi­lity, sca­la­bi­lity, AI support, an appealing user expe­ri­ence and plenty of room for cus­to­mi­sa­tion. cus­to­mi­sa­tion. The intensive col­la­bo­ra­tion between Markant and Insiders Tech­no­lo­gies leads to inno­va­tive further deve­lo­p­ments in the product.


The Debeka Group focuses on excellent customer service as a com­pe­ti­tive advantage. For the chal­lenges posed by more than 60,000 e‑mails per week, it imple­mented a highly highly automated solution with smart FLOW. The intel­li­gent response manage­ment system ensures automated routing of enquiries to the relevant depart­ments and supports the service staff with suitable response modules. This means that poli­cy­hol­ders quickly receive high-quality answers to their enquiries quickly.

IDEAL Insurance Group optimises input manage­ment with new AI tech­no­lo­gies

Insiders has signi­fi­cantly increased the effi­ci­ency and precision of IDEAL Insurance Group’s input manage­ment with its inno­va­tive AI products. The challenge was to effi­ci­ently process around 500,000 documents in the inbox each year – including many hand­written receipts, cer­ti­fi­cates and documents of varying scan quality. IDEAL imple­mented the Cognitive Clas­si­fier from Insiders Tech­no­lo­gies, which combines image-based clas­si­fi­ca­tion with optimised text-based clas­si­fi­ca­tion using advanced tech­no­lo­gies such as natural language pro­ces­sing (NLP) and deep learning.

More customer satis­fac­tion trough AI-supported order accep­tance

Phoenix Contact, the indus­trial elec­trical engi­nee­ring, elec­tro­nics, and auto­ma­tion spe­cia­list, uses AI to create an automated workflow for recording, pro­ces­sing, and archiving incoming orders and invoices. The standard products from Insiders Tech­no­lo­gies convince through indi­vi­dual con­fi­gu­ra­bi­lity, low main­ten­ance effort, high reco­gni­tion rates, and deep inte­gra­tion in SAP. In many cases, partially automated pro­ces­sing is possible. Due to a signi­fi­cant reduction in pro­ces­sing times, same-day pro­ces­sing of incoming orders is now the norm.

Maximum effi­ci­ency in document pro­ces­sing

Thanks to Insiders, Schäfer Shop and Schäfer Werke relieve their employees through high auto­ma­tion rates. With smart INVOICE and smart ORDER, the two Schaefer family busi­nesses optimize processes for order entry and invoice pro­ces­sing of all incoming documents and signi­fi­cantly increase effi­ci­ency in document pro­ces­sing.


Free-form orders arriving as e‑mails or documents meant con­siderable manual effort for thys­sen­krupp Materials Services. Modern AI tech­no­lo­gies have signi­fi­cantly acce­le­rated order accep­tance through intel­li­gent document reading and pro­ces­sing. A signi­fi­cant pro­por­tion of enquiries and orders received via email in the future will be processed auto­ma­ti­cally. This auto­ma­tion creates greater customer satis­fac­tion and the potential for more indi­vi­dual customer support time within sales.

Delighting customers with the MV Ser­viceApp

Münchener Verein Insurance Group relies on Insiders‘ mobile apps for its app-first strategy for digital customer care. The appealing MV Ser­viceApp bundles customers’ inter­ac­tions
with their health insurance on their mobile devices and inspires them with a com­pre­hen­sive service offering. The main focus for Münchener Verein is on the strategic importance of the digital customer interface and incre­asing customer satis­fac­tion.


With the Cognitive Clas­si­fier from Insiders, Debeka achieves com­ple­tely new per­for­mance dimen­sions in the automatic reco­gni­tion of image documents. The intel­li­gent com­bi­na­tion of different deep learning clas­si­fiers for text and image infor­ma­tion proves to be a forward-looking idea.

BASF automates global P2P process in the cloud

BASF shortens pro­ces­sing time for 3.5 million incoming invoices p.a. by 50 percent and reduces effort by 40 FTE with state-of-the-art AI and highly scalable cloud services. Cloud service and agile project approach enable the con­ver­sion of over 300 company codes worldwide in just a few weeks. smart INVOICE excels in detailed document reading, excellent data quality, deep vali­da­tion, and low main­ten­ance effort.

Response Manage­ment at the highest level

The direct insurer brand HUK24 stands for the best customer service. Email is the company’s most important com­mu­ni­ca­tion channel with millions of customers. This results in a volume of daily email com­mu­ni­ca­tion that would be impos­sible to handle without high-per­for­mance and AI-supported response manage­ment. Thanks to the response manage­ment solution smart FLOW, HUK24 masters this challenge every day.

Automated Accoun­ting at MAN

The accoun­ting depart­ment of MAN Truck & Bus SE received around 345,000 paper invoices, which were mostly processed by hand. The employees dealing with the invoices had to look up infor­ma­tion about creditors and enter the invoice data needed for the down­stream SAP-based workflow manually in SAP. This resulted in high costs per processed invoice.

Inter­na­tional invoice pro­ces­sing at BSH

1.6 million invoices per year – sites throug­hout the whole of Europe and the rest of the world – different spoken and written languages – various cur­ren­cies and special country-specific con­side­ra­tions. These were the requi­re­ments that BSH Haus­ge­räte GmbH, Europe’s largest and one of the world’s leading manu­fac­tu­rers of household appli­ances, had for modern and sus­tainable invoice pro­ces­sing.

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„We process all of our incoming mail using Insiders solutions – up-to-date and across all input channels. Our business processes are now lean and efficient – we par­ti­cu­larly see benefits due to signi­fi­cant impro­ve­ments in quality and workflows.“

Ursula Throll-Schlepper

Ope­ra­tions Manage­ment, ALTE LEIPZIGER Lebens­ver­si­che­rung a.G.

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