Automated Accoun­ting at MAN

The accoun­ting depart­ment of MAN Truck & Bus SE received around 345,000 paper invoices per year, which were mostly processed by hand. The employees dealing with the invoices had to look up infor­ma­tion about creditors and enter the invoice data needed for the down­stream SAP-based workflow manually in SAP. This resulted in high costs per processed invoice. In parallel, MAN Truck & Bus SE intended to con­so­li­date the processes for incoming invoices. The processes needed to be optimized, stan­dar­dized and made more flexible at a local level across all the company’s inter­na­tional sites to enable the indi­vi­dual stages of invoice pro­ces­sing to be carried out at any location.

Therefore, MAN Truck & Bus SE planned to put in place a con­sis­tent elec­tronic process from the arrival of an invoice all the way to payment and archiving. The goal was to keep the manual effort involved to a minimum, while simul­ta­neously improving the quality of the service. A common basis for a fully automated pro­ces­sing should be created for the entire MAN Group.

Inde­pen­dence and Fle­xi­bi­lity

MAN Truck & Bus SE chose Insiders‘ Invoice Manage­ment for SAP solution and imple­mented a high-per­for­mance, con­sis­tent elec­tronic process for managing incoming invoices. The standard solution includes a universal creditor-inde­pen­dent invoice reader based on intel­li­gent database matching. smart INVOICE reco­gnizes the relevant data regard­less of the different creditors’ invoice layouts. An indi­vi­dual document defi­ni­tion no longer has to be created for new creditors. Specific accoun­ting checks, such as verifying com­pli­ance with national VAT regu­la­tions, create addi­tional security. Fur­ther­more, master data and variable data from SAP is used for quality assurance purposes. All the data from incoming invoices that is needed for the business process is captured auto­ma­ti­cally and trans­ferred to the SAP system, in accordance with audit com­pli­ance requi­re­ments, where the data is con­ti­nuously processed to the point of approval and posting.


The different company codes of the various sites are auto­ma­ti­cally reco­gnized by smart INVOICE. As a result, no time-consuming manual pre-sorting is required. smart INVOICE then forwards the invoices to the Open Text archiving system for storage. All relevant data required for automated pro­ces­sing is extracted from the invoice documents. Invoices whose content was not com­ple­tely captured are auto­ma­ti­cally forwarded for manual veri­fi­ca­tion. Sub­se­quently, smart INVOICE transfers the invoice data to SAP for further automated pro­ces­sing. The integral reporting function provides MAN Truck & Bus SE with key operating data that is used to optimize the process even further.

„With smart INVOICE, we‘ve been able to realize con­sis­tent paperless invoice pro­ces­sing from document arrival to invoice data posting. Our entire invoice process has become signi­fi­cantly more efficient. After suc­cessfully intro­du­cing the system in Germany, Poland, and Turkey, we have now rolled out the solution in another 14 countries.“

Zvonko Jurjevic, Head of Subledger Accoun­ting at MAN Truck & Bus SE

Inter­na­tional Deploy­ment

MAN Truck & Bus SE has suc­cessfully rolled out smart INVOICE to many of its sites in a total of 17 countries. The solution is currently in use in Spain, Great Britain, Switz­er­land, Slovenia, Hungary, Norway, Denmark, Germany, Russia, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Turkey, Portugal, Italy, Austria, and France.

The need for local adaptions has been accom­mo­dated fully. In Poland, for example, the invoice pro­ces­sing for selected inter­na­tional company codes is bundled in a Shared Service Center. The admi­nis­tra­tion of the entire system is highly efficient and can be managed with only one person.

The multi ‑client capa­bi­lity of smart INVOICE enables other business units to be inte­grated flexibly within a very short period of time and with little modi­fi­ca­tion. Invoices in any language can be processed, which gives MAN Truck & Bus SE the ideal solution for its inter­na­tional orga­niza­tion.

Con­siderable Increases in Effi­ci­ency

Currently the MAN Group processes more than 3 million paper documents auto­ma­ti­cally each year using smart INVOICE. The effi­ci­ency of the entire invoice pro­ces­sing system has been signi­fi­cantly increased.

The main benefits are as follows:


  • Pro­ces­sing of the rising business volume (two-thirds between 2004 and 2012) without signi­fi­cant addi­tional resources
  • Reducing the overall invoice throughput time to an average of less than 8 days
  • Three months after going live 95% of relevant fields are reco­gnized correctly
  • Reducing the cost per document from over EUR 10 to less than EUR 3 for the entire process
  • Improving process trans­pa­rency thereby enabling up-to-date invoice status infor­ma­tion to suppliers at anytime