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e‑invoicing Hackathon for partners

28. October 2024 @ 9:30 - 12:30 CET

As part of the hackathon, we will address various aspects of e‑invoice pro­ces­sing. First, we will demons­trate how e‑invoices can be imported via email. We will also show how e‑invoices can be processed effi­ci­ently. Another point is the inte­gra­tion of addi­tional values from the invoices into the workflow. Finally, we will explain how e‑invoices can be received and sent via the Peppol network.

The hackathon will take place digitally – the following pre­re­qui­sites apply for your par­ti­ci­pa­tion from home:

  • Working internet con­nec­tion
  • Laptop or PC – ideally, an addi­tional device for streaming via Teams

Register now and par­ti­ci­pate for free!

Webinar regis­tra­tion

3 + 15 =


digital MS-Teams Stream


Insiders Tech­no­lo­gies GmbH
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