Careers Day in Koblenz

Rhein-Mosel-Halle Julius-Wegeler-Straße 4, 56068 Koblenz, Rhein-Mosel-Halle, Rheinland-Pfalz, Deutschland

Insiders will participate for the first time in the job fair "Karrieretag" in Koblenz on 29.06.2023 from 10:00 - 17:00. Insiders Technologies will be represented at the upcoming job fair. We invite interested parties to learn more about our entry-level opportunities and open positions. Visitors can benefit from free services such as CV checks, application […]


Current updates on E‑invoicing requi­re­ments in Germany and Europe

Discover everything about innovations, upgrades, and other relevant information surrounding the smart FIX Release 6 in this webinar. Additionally, you'll gain an exclusive first look into further product innovations from the roadmap of our proven smart FIX solution.

Seeing is believing the new Insiders ILFO demo

You want aha-moments in your customer presentation? Insiders provides you with the tools to do so! Show your customers the new Deep Learning OCR from Insiders - live and on customer receipts. The wow effect is guaranteed.

Also learn the sales facts about the Integration Layer for OCR (ILFO) and actively use this competitive advantage for your business.

Karriere Worms

Hochschule Worms Erenburgerstraße 19, Worms

The university contact fair "Career" is organized annually by the Career Center of Worms University. The career fair brings companies and young professionals together by making it easier for both sides to enter into direct exchange with each other and thus discuss possible prospects. This year, for the first time, the "Career" university contact fair […]

Fir­men­kon­takt­messe FiKoM

Hochschule Kaiserslautern – Campus Zweibrücken Amerikastraße 1, Zweibrücken

The company contact fair FiKoM is an event organized by the University of Kaiserslautern. It allows participants to get to know potential employers from the region and establish new connections.

Thursday, October 26, 2023, from 11:00 AM to 4:00 PM as an in-person fair at the Zweibrücken Campus of the University of Kaiserslautern.

Intel­li­gent input manage­ment in the IDEAL case

On November 9, 2023, at 11:00 AM, we cordially invite you to join our webinar "Intelligent Input Management in the IDEAL Case." Gain practical insights and learn, using the concrete example of IDEAL Lebensversicherung, how you can achieve the transformation to intelligent process automation.

Carsten Dickau from IDEAL Lebensversicherung a.G. will share real-life use cases to illustrate how the insurance company, in collaboration with Insiders, achieved a significant increase in efficiency in input management and life insurance processes. Discover how state-of-the-art AI technologies are applied in document processing and how an increase in automation rates can be realized.

It’s coming: E‑Invoicing in B2B

The legal requirements and plans for mandatory e-invoicing in Germany are becoming more concrete. But what does this mean for your company and, specifically, for automating your purchase-to-pay processes? We'll keep you updated!

In our webinar "It's coming: E-Invoicing in B2B" on 11/14/2023 at 10:00 AM, we'll discuss everything you need to know.

According to the current draft from the Ministry of Finance, the obligation to receive e-invoices for domestic B2B transactions is expected to come into effect on 01/01/2025. Additionally, from 2028, there will be a general EU-wide obligation to transmit invoice data to tax authorities (mention: uniform tax reporting system).

Handling international E Invoicing standards? No problem with smart INVOICE!

bonding – company contact fair in Kai­sers­lau­tern

Technische Universität Kaiserslautern RPTU Kaiserslautern, Kaiserslautern, Deutschland

The bonding company contact fair in Kaiserslautern is the largest event of its kind organized by students in Kaiserslautern.

Visit us on Tuesday, November 21, 2023, at Booth I4!

Next Level AI-Auto­ma­tion: die neuen Insiders Services

digital MS-Teams Stream

Insiders Cognitive Automation World offers you a comprehensive toolbox of intelligent automation services. Thanks to the continuous development of the most reliable, scalable and profitable AI technologies and proven best practices from over 25 years of experience, we offer you ready-to-use services that show what is possible with state-of-the-art AI. In our free webinar "Next […]

IT Talk: Dis­tri­buted appli­ca­tions with Kafka

IT Talk

Insiders will once again be represented as an industry expert for AI-based process automation at CCW 2024 in Berlin.
From 27 February to 29 February 2024, we will also be giving exciting insights into the following topics in several keynote speeches at the CCW TeleTalk demo forum
- Workflow & process automation with AI / intelligent systems
- Response management solutions for email, SMS and chat, messengers
Visit us at our stand 3E1! Our team will be happy to show you how you can take your business processes to the next level with our AI-based solutions.


Insiders at the Call Center World 2024

Estrel Congress Center Berlin Ziegrastraße 225, Berlin

Insiders is once again representing itself as an industry expert in AI-based process automation at CCW 2024 in Berlin. From February 27th to February 29th, 2024, we will also be offering exciting insights in several keynote presentations at the CCW TeleTalk Demo Forum on the following topics:
• Workflow and process automation with AI/intelligent systems
• Response management solutions for email, SMS, and chat messengers
Visit us at our booth 3E1! Our team will be delighted to show you how our AI-based solutions can elevate your business processes to the next level.

Indi­vi­dual services with the Insiders Service Builder

digital MS-Teams Stream

If you can think it, we can automate it! You want to implement the automation of business processes for your customers in a lean and cost-effective way. Discover the pioneering solution for the efficient and cost-effective automation of a wide range of business processes – without the need for a lengthy and extensive IT project. […]