best service & maximum agility with state-of-the-art AI

Thanks to the AI-based solution for response manage­ment smart FLOW from Insiders, Debeka is incre­asing effi­ci­ency and quality in customer service through automatic routing and prepared response modules.

As a leading provider of insurance and financial services in Germany, the Debeka Group con­sis­t­ently relies on excellent customer service as a com­pe­ti­tive advantage. With an impres­sive e‑mail volume of more than 60,000 e‑mail inquiries per week in, an inno­va­tive solution was needed to handle them.

To ensure intel­li­gent response manage­ment and thus the best service for its customers, Debeka opted for smart FLOW, our powerful, AI-supported standard product for omnich­annel response manage­ment.

The challenge of the imple­men­ta­tion was not only to cope with the sheer volume of inquiries, but also the variety of content and the need for fast and precise clas­si­fi­ca­tion. Thanks to smart FLOW, inquiries are auto­ma­ti­cally assigned to the relevant depart­ments, which signi­fi­cantly speeds up pro­ces­sing times. In addition, it is possible to respond quickly and indi­vi­du­ally to special situa­tions – such as the current large number of queries about e‑prescriptions.

In addition to intel­li­gent routing, smart FLOW also supports the actual pro­ces­sing of inquiries, alle­via­ting the workload for service staff with suitable response templates. As a result, around 90 percent of processes are now managed using stan­dar­dized text modules, leading to increased effi­ci­ency and speed in customer service.

„The intro­duc­tion of smart FLOW for intel­li­gent response manage­ment was a major success for us. With modern AI, we can improve our service and become more efficient and agile at the same time. A perfect com­bi­na­tion,“

says Marc Drewing, Group Head of Input Manage­ment at Debeka Ver­si­che­rungs­verein a.G., describing the great benefits of the solution.

The imple­men­ta­tion of smart FLOW was carried out by the Debeka Group itself using agile methods and supported by trainings and coachings from the Insiders team. The close coope­ra­tion enabled a smooth inte­gra­tion and indi­vi­dual adjus­t­ments.

„Debeka is very suc­cessful in adopting AI inno­va­tions and quickly con­ver­ting them into added value for its customers. We are happy to offer the necessary high-per­for­mance AI platform with our products,“

says Markus Gieser, Product Owner for smart FLOW and expert in response manage­ment at Insiders Tech­no­lo­gies.

Thanks to the inno­va­tive use of modern AI in customer dialog, Debeka Group poli­cy­hol­ders now receive high-quality answers to their queries quickly. The positive expe­ri­ence with smart FLOW encou­rages Debeka to discuss further expansion plans and to con­ti­nuously improve customer service.