Insiders Connect

Discover our wide range of acti­vi­ties, such as workshops on agile, creative methods and AI, projects in coope­ra­tion with uni­ver­si­ties and colleges, super­vi­sion of student research projects, in-service doc­to­rates, career fairs and much more.
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Varied projects enable students to apply their theo­re­tical knowledge in practice. In coope­ra­tion with uni­ver­si­ties and colleges, we accompany projects, e.g. in software deve­lo­p­ment, and provide insight into methods and tools.


We offer workshops on practice-oriented tasks at regular intervals. Together with our teams, various AI topics and agile working methods such as Scrum or Design Thinking are learned.


All infor­ma­tion on job openings for career starters, on practice-related gra­dua­tion and study projects or insiders at personnel fairs can be found here.


Under the motto „Let’s talk about IT“, people come together in the Talks to exchange infor­ma­tion about the latest trends and inno­va­tions and to further expand their own network in the IT sector.


digital trans­for­ma­tion manage­ment

At Insiders, we give the students of the Depart­ment of Economics at the TU Kai­sers­lau­tern a practical task from the field of Digital Trans­for­ma­tion Manage­ment, which is worked on and presented after­wards. In addition to the theo­re­tical-con­cep­tual dis­cus­sion, emphasis is placed on the appli­ca­tion of the content learned in the lectures. Further infor­ma­tion:

Software deve­lo­p­ment project

The SEP takes place every semester at the TU Kai­sers­lau­tern and is offered alter­na­tely by Prof. Ebert and Insiders. During the semester, the students develop a mul­ti­player capable game with server and graphical user interface (GUI). The game varies each semester, but the task remains the same. The project is offered exclu­si­vely using Scrum.

agile methods II

The project takes place in the summer semester at the TU Kai­sers­lau­tern and is aimed at students of the Socio­in­for­ma­tics course. Gaining practical expe­ri­ence in software deve­lo­p­ment, project manage­ment and user ori­en­ta­tion in the deve­lo­p­ment of modern Internet appli­ca­tions is the focus here. In this project, we enable students to get to know the agile framework Scrum better and thus gain first insights into our methods, our deve­lo­p­ment process and everyday life.

FIT summer school

5 days, 3 workshops and a pro­gramming com­pe­ti­tion. Organized by the Asso­cia­tion for the Promotion of Computer Science e.V. (FIT), students of the TU Kai­sers­lau­tern work together with us to develop and deepen the topic of „Arti­fi­cial Intel­li­gence“. In this project, concrete use cases of AI are taught in practical sessions and workshops. Further infor­ma­tion:

AI workshop

We are on fire for the common goal of trans­forming cutting-edge AI into actual solutions and real customer value. Join our next AI workshop and get insights into our daily work with Arti­fi­cial Intel­li­gence. Take the oppor­tu­nity to learn inno­va­tive deve­lo­p­ment tools and apply them in practice.

Design thinking workshop

Design thinking is a central element of modern software deve­lo­p­ment and can be used quickly and effec­tively for numerous creative processes. The focus of the method is always on crea­ti­vity and entre­pre­neu­rial vision. Get to know this method in a practical way by means of your own Design Thinking Challenge. An expe­ri­enced coach will guide you step by step through the process and support you in deve­lo­ping a holistic and benefit-oriented solution.


practical expe­ri­ence

Gain an optimal insight into practice for example in the form of an intern­ship or through the final or project work of your studies with insiders as a practical partner.

Working Student

Are you inte­rested in current tech­no­lo­gies and agile working methods? Apply for a position as a working student and gain your first practical expe­ri­ence.

start your career

We are con­ti­nuously looking for rein­force­ment for our team. Become part of a suc­cessful AI company and search our job portal for the right position.


Lernen Sie Insiders kennen

Auf ver­schie­denen Ver­an­stal­tungen der Hoch­schulen und Uni­ver­si­täten unserer Region, möchten wir Stu­die­rende in einem per­sön­li­chen Gespräch begeis­tern. Wir suchen Talente, denen wir eine Per­spek­tive bieten können. Kommt vorbei und lernt uns kennen.

Treff­punkt Messe TUK | 07. Juni

TREFF­PUNKT has been a fixture in the summer semester at the Technical Uni­ver­sity of Kai­sers­lau­tern for 31 years. Committed students organize the company contact fair every year anew. Treff­punkt GbR, under the auspices of the TU Kai­sers­lau­tern, provides pro­fes­sional support for exhi­bi­tors and visitors. Up to 56 companies, from medium-sized to large enter­prises, present them­selves each year to students from various courses of study.

to the website

NEXT Saar­brü­cken | 13. Juni

The „next“ campus fair will be held on June 13, 2023 from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm. Companies will be on hand to offer jobs and intern­ships and answer questions. There will be an exhibitor catalog, pre­pa­ra­tion events, tips and FAQs, and a social program. There will also be an oppor­tu­nity to have a free appli­ca­tion photo taken and appli­ca­tion materials reviewed. The Career Center team encou­rages being proactive about the future and following along on social media channels.

to the website

IT Talk

Over the past few years, the IT Talk event series has estab­lished itself as an important platform for promoting the exchange of infor­ma­tion and knowledge on current IT topics. The spectrum of topics ranges from new AI tech­no­lo­gies and cutting-edge software deve­lo­p­ment to practice-oriented metho­do­lo­gical knowledge and actively promotes exchange among experts, IT enthu­si­asts and software deve­lo­pers.

In 2023, the IT Talk community can again look forward to varied and infor­ma­tive talks.

In addition to new approa­ches to arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence and trend topics such as cloud or creative methods in project manage­ment, exciting insights into various practical appli­ca­tion scenarios are also on the agenda.