e‑invoicing Hackathon for partners

e‑invoicing Hackathon for partners

As part of the hackathon, we will address various aspects of e‑invoice pro­ces­sing. First, we will demons­trate how e‑invoices can be imported via email. We will also show how e‑invoices can be processed effi­ci­ently. Another point is the inte­gra­tion of...
Part­ner­web­inar: E‑Invoice Manage­ment with Insiders

Part­ner­web­inar: E‑Invoice Manage­ment with Insiders

The e‑invoicing obli­ga­tion in Germany and Europe is a done deal. In this webinar, find out how you can now support your customers com­pe­tently, effi­ci­ently and with the help of state-of-the-art AI in the upcoming change in their B2B and B2G transactions.With the...