More time for indi­vi­dual customer service

More time for indi­vi­dual customer service

More time for indi­vi­dual customer service Thanks to state-of-the-art AI tech­no­logy from Insiders, thys­sen­krupp Materials Services signi­fi­cantly speeds up the process of order accep­tance and frees up remar­kably more time for personal, indi­vi­dual customer...
New power for the insiders manage­ment team

New power for the insiders manage­ment team

New power for the insiders manage­ment team As successor to Dr. Rainer Czech, the expe­ri­enced tech­no­logy expert Dr. Alexander Swienty will support Insiders to achieve global success by expanding and inter­na­tio­na­li­zing the channel. The Insiders team welcomes...
A big step towards ePA and e‑prescription

A big step towards ePA and e‑prescription

A big step towards ePA and e‑prescription Together with RISE, Insiders is launching a one-app package for private health insurers with invoice manage­ment and tele­ma­tics infra­struc­ture. This extends the health apps already commonly used by private health insurers...