Now Available: The Insiders Mar­ket­place

It’s finally here! The Insiders Mar­ket­place is live and ready to lead your business into the future of auto­ma­tion. Let’s take a detailed look at what makes this mar­ket­place so unique.

The Insiders Mar­ket­place: Part of the Cognitive Auto­ma­tion World

The Insiders Mar­ket­place is an integral part of the Cognitive Auto­ma­tion World, our ground­brea­king auto­ma­tion platform powered by the advanced Ovation Tech­no­logy Stack. The Cognitive Auto­ma­tion World is designed to take the auto­ma­tion of various business processes to a new level. In com­bi­na­tion with our intel­li­gent Service Builder, the Insiders Mar­ket­place offers our customers and partners pre-trained auto­ma­tion solutions that are imme­dia­tely deployable and unpar­al­leled.

A Com­pre­hen­sive Range of Spe­cia­lized Services

Our Insiders Mar­ket­place serves as a showroom, offering a diverse portfolio of spe­cia­lized services. These AI-based services are designed to effi­ci­ently and cost-effec­tively automate business processes in various indus­tries and areas of expertise.

Discover a variety of auto­ma­tion services spe­ci­fi­cally tailored to the needs of your business sector, pre-trained and ready for immediate use. In addition to proven, cross-industry services such as various solutions for .ID DETECTION or invoice pro­ces­sing without master data (.INVOICE), the Mar­ket­place also offers spe­cia­lized services, such as .CER­TI­FI­CATE OF ANALYSIS for the chemical and food industry. And the Marketplace’s offerings are con­ti­nu­ally expanding.

Inno­va­tive Features for an Optimal User Expe­ri­ence

What sets the Insiders Mar­ket­place apart are the numerous inno­va­tive features we have developed and continue to integrate and expand. These small yet effective elements are designed to enhance the user expe­ri­ence and increase effi­ci­ency. Our goal is to ensure that you can quickly and con­ve­ni­ently find the AI solution you need. Not sure which service suits you best? Use the „Search by your own document“ feature and get the answer!

We are tire­lessly working to make the Mar­ket­place even more user-friendly and powerful, and we look forward to pre­sen­ting more exciting inno­va­tions soon.

A Perfect Com­bi­na­tion: Mar­ket­place and Service Builder

The Insiders Mar­ket­place is closely intert­wined with our Service Builder to provide our customers and partners with the best possible expe­ri­ence on the path to intel­li­gent auto­ma­tion. In the Mar­ket­place, you’ll find industry-specific spe­cia­lized services that are already trained, optimized, and ready for use. At the same time, the Service Builder offers you the freedom to create tailored services that precisely meet your specific requi­re­ments.

Powered by OVATION

Behind the Insiders Mar­ket­place and the Service Builder is our advanced Ovation Tech­no­logy Stack. This tech­no­lo­gical foun­da­tion harnesses the powerful Insiders AI to elevate the auto­ma­tion of business processes to a new level and provide users with the best possible support in selecting services.

Discover the Insiders Mar­ket­place in the Cognitive Auto­ma­tion World and optimize your business processes today. We look forward to accom­panying you on your journey to business process auto­ma­tion. Stay updated to be informed about the latest deve­lo­p­ments and features of the Insiders Mar­ket­place.