Learn Scrum in practice

Get to know the agile framework Scrum in a practical way through an inter­ac­tive workshop and expe­ri­ence for yourself how it feels to work with it. In a playful way, you can gain your own expe­ri­ence in working with Scrum – without any coding or software deve­lo­p­ment.

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The Workshop

Build a city where the inha­bi­tants feel good! We want to realize this vision with the help of the Scrum framework and gain practical expe­ri­ence with the Scrum meetings and artifacts. This includes, among other things, orga­ni­zing and planning the indi­vi­dual tasks in a sprint, com­mu­ni­ca­tion focused on the sprint goal, and relative esti­ma­tion.

Lerne Scrum with Lego – 16.05.2023

Par­ti­ci­pa­tion does not require a technical back­ground. We are looking forward to all curious
inte­rested parties who would like to get to know the Scrum framework for agile project manage­ment.

Asta Freiraum on the Saar­brü­cken Campus
Building A4, Saarland Uni­ver­sity
12:00 – 16:00 h

Which task is being worked on?

After a short intro­duc­tion to the agile framework Scrum, we’ll get started. In three different teams we will plan the city, estimate and prio­ri­tize the con­s­truc­tion projects and build a city in several sprints.

What equipment do I need?

No technical equipment is required to par­ti­ci­pate in the „Learn Scrum with Lego“ workshop.

Who can par­ti­ci­pate in the workshop?

The workshops are aimed at students, young pro­fes­sio­nals and anyone who needs project manage­ment for their everyday pro­fes­sional or edu­ca­tional life.


no pro­gramming knowledge needed


cer­ti­fi­cate of atten­dance

max. 15 Par­ti­ci­pants

free par­ti­ci­pa­tion

With team spirit to the goal

Scrum is a framework for agile product deve­lo­p­ment and agile project manage­ment. It organizes the col­la­bo­ra­tion of teams, based on a defi­ni­tion of roles, meetings and artifacts.

Scrum gives a team structure and a clearly defined work process based on agile prin­ci­ples. It is easy and quick to learn and can be flexibly adapted to indi­vi­dual requi­re­ments.

Register now

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I am inte­rested in these workshops


Learn Scrum with Minetest

Digi­taltag 2023

Expe­ri­ence digi­ta­liza­tion! Get to know the agile framework Scrum in our digital Minetest workshop and expe­ri­ence for yourself how it feels to work with it.