Invoice Cloud Service – AI-supported, intuitive, fast

digital MS-Teams Stream

With Insiders Cloud Services, your process automation gains significant speed. With just a few clicks, you too can use our smart business solutions, our infrastructure and the latest deep learning technologies – with our Invoice Service in the Cloud! We will show you how invoice processing can be done without spending a lot of resources […]


Level up your Veri­fi­ca­tion

digital MS-Teams Stream

From Classic to Web VerifierThe trend towards web components is now clearly noticeable. Pushed by new technological platforms as well as a steadily increasing importance of service, they have become a must-have for most customers. Insiders has also developed numerous web components for its customers. Above all the Web Verifier as one of the most […]


From tran­sac­tion to inter­ac­tion, from input to response manage­ment

digital MS-Teams Stream

While smart FIX, smart INVOICE, smart ORDER - our products and cloud services for intelligent input management - are used successfully in the automation of transaction-based business processes, our product smart FLOW goes a big step further: smart helps as an intelligent omni-channel response management solution FLOW customers to sustainably improve and accelerate internal and […]


Insiders at Call Center World 2023

Estrel Congress Center Berlin

Insiders, as an industry expert in AI-based process automation, will be present at CCW 2023 in Berlin. As an Insiders customer, you have the opportunity to attend the show for free starting February 28, so register here and secure your ticket to CCW 2023! On 01 March at 16:30, Christian Bokelmann and Stefan Hassinger will […]

Trou­ble­shoo­ting live: Approa­ches for customer-specific system opti­miza­tion

digital MS-Teams Stream

In individual cases, in the context of invoice recognition, customers question recognition results or are not aware of dependencies and connections in the system that can affect recognition. In this webinar, we will show you how you can deal constructively with such customer inquiries and gain insights for a possible optimization of the recognition results […]


Baloise goes Cloud – Migration of smart FIX to the Insiders Cloud

Baloise offers comprehensive service experiences in finance and insurance to its customers in the core markets of Switzerland, Belgium, Luxembourg and Germany. To capture and process the volumes of documents that arise daily, Baloise has been using Insiders' smart FIX solution for years. As part of its cloud strategy, Baloise has decided to successively migrate […]


User Forum smart INVOICE

Deidesheimer Hof Marktpl. 1, Deidesheim, Rheinland-Pfalz, Deutschland

On 27.04.2023 we offer you as smart INVOICE users and interested parties a platform for mutual exchange. Efficient Purchase-to-Pay (P2P) processes are the basis for every competitive company. At the same time, there is a high level of complexity and a high proportion of manual process steps here in particular, which often leads to weaknesses. […]

User Forum smart MOBILE

Deidesheimer Hof Marktpl. 1, Deidesheim, Rheinland-Pfalz, Deutschland

On 27.04.2023 we offer you as smart MOBILE users and interested parties a platform for mutual exchange. The provision of convenient mobile touchpoints in the form of customer service or employee apps is more important today than ever before with increasing digitalization. With our modular smart MOBILE product portfolio, you can make it much easier […]

IT Talk 2023 – Kunst Kin­der­leicht

Kammgarn Kaiserslautern Schoenstraße 10, Kaiserslautern, Rheinland-Pfalz, Deutschland

KUNST KINDERLEICHT or: PICTURE AIs – SELF PAINTING WAS YESTERDAY(?) Image-generating AIs such as Stable Diffusion, Midjourney or Dall-E create spectacular works of art in just a few moments on the basis of short text inputs, rivaling Picasso and the like and hardly distinguishable from human art. Right? How these impressive AIs work and what […]

Web Coor­di­nator Deep Dive

On Tuesday, May 09, 2023, you will get to know our modern web component in the webinar "Web Coordinator Deep Dive".

Web Coordinator provides both technical and business administrators with a variety of new tools - all packaged in one easy-to-use web client.