user forum Response Manage­ment 2022

On October 13, 2022, Insiders welcomed its smart FLOW customers and inte­rested parties from various indus­tries for the first time to a joint user forum in Dei­des­heim. In the heart of the Pala­ti­nate region, the par­ti­ci­pants gained an exciting impres­sion of the usage poten­tials of smart FLOW and exchanged ideas with each other.

smart FLOW – the standard product for omnich­annel response manage­ment – is already being used suc­cessfully by numerous Insiders customers. Our software automates the pro­ces­sing of cor­re­spon­dence in various forms and directs it exactly where it belongs. In addition, smart FLOW can answer queries inde­pendently and maximizes response per­for­mance with intel­li­gent sug­ges­tions.
After a brief intro­duc­tion to the product and a deve­lo­p­ment roadmap, customers such as HUK24 and Volks­wagen Financial Services reported on their suc­cessful projects that they realized with smart FLOW.
The event focused primarily on the community idea and the feedback from product users. In inter­ac­tive workshops, the par­ti­ci­pants met our deve­lo­pers and project managers face to face and gathered their requi­re­ments and wishes for further deve­lo­p­ments of smart FLOW. In this way, they made an important con­tri­bu­tion to targeted product deve­lo­p­ment. Between the various pre­sen­ta­tions and workshops, the par­ti­ci­pants took the oppor­tu­nity to network and talk to the Insiders experts about their indi­vi­dual requi­re­ments and questions.
To round off the exciting day the par­ti­ci­pants enjoyed a delicious dinner and Pala­ti­nate wine. A con­ti­nua­tion of this format is firmly planned and we look forward to expanding the smart FLOW user network in 2023.